~86~ Senior Year Woes

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Josie's POV

I sit on the hard, cold bleachers, enjoying sitting while I still can. From the looks of Mason right now, I'm in more trouble than I've ever been in my whole life.

He's angrily standing, crossing his arms, as he watches the kids run. The longer I sit here, somehow the madder Mason looks. He's looked over at me a few times to make sure I'm doing as I was told, but other than that, he's kept his back to me.

When practice finally gets done, he doesn't even walk up to me. He just motions me with his pointer finger to come over.

I do, and the closer I get to Mason, the creepier his black pits of death are. I've never seen his eyes so.....I don't know. I'm too nervous to even think of anything to accurately describe them... They're just scary AF.

When I get up to him, I stop and stare up at his broad and intimidating frame.

"Give me one reason not to tear you up right now," he finally says, his voice shaking with rage.

"Because that would be abuse," I say quietly.

He chuckles darkly as he grabs my arm, walking off the track and to the parking lot.

"Mason, you're walking too fast," I say as I trip and start to fall. Thankfully he catches me and helps me steady myself, as he slows down his pace a bit.

When we get to his car, I notice my car is gone.

"Where's my car?" I ask him.

He gives me a "you better not sass me" look.

"Taylor drove it home for me."

I bet I'm losing my car. He's overreacting and I'm mad.

We drive in complete silence, as his left leg bounces like crazy. Normally I would tell him to knock it off, but I'm too scared to. I'm one snarky remark away from getting beat.

When we get home, he comes around and opens my door, grabbing me by the arm and yanking me roughly out of the car. He drags me in the house, and stops once he sees Jenna here.

I can tell he's thinking about what to do for a minute. Suddenly he grabs me again and takes me to the living room, shoving my nose in a corner.

"Stay in this corner until I come and get you. Be thankful for Jenna. For what I have planned for you, she can't be here....Maybe this will help me calm down," he says in my ear. Then he walks away angrily, with heavy footsteps.

Once he's gone, I let a tear fall. I HATE standing in the corner. I haven't had to do it since Taylor made me when I kicked Mason...it's completely humiliating. It's beyond humiliating.

I just rest my head against the wall and listen to everything going on around me.

"How was you day, Little Dude?" Mason asks.

"Good. How's come Josie is in timeout?"

"Don't worry about it," Mason says softly.

"Mr. West, can I have a cookie?" Jenna asks.

"No, Mrs. West is making dinner. I don't want to spoil your dinner."

"If I argue how that's wrong, and I'm super duper hungry, so I'll still eat lots of dinner, will I have to stand in the corner like Josie?"

"Yes," Mason says with humor in his voice.

"Ok," she pouts as she and Drew rush upstairs to play.

I hear Sasha rattling pans in the kitchen, and Mason talking to her softly. I'm sure they're talking about me, standing in a corner like a freak. If I decide I'm done being here, I wonder how much more trouble I'll be in.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now