~16~ Tired

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Liam's POV

Everything is hazy as I'm holding Lizzie and loving on her. Suddenly she starts talking. Lizzie can't talk, she's only three months old.

As I'm holding my sweet girl, she says, "daddy, Charlotte needs help."

I think I'm losing my mind. Lizzie can't talk.

The beeping is so loud, it wakes me up from my deep sleep.

I look around and see Charlie's alarms flashing and hearing the beeping. My dream was right...She does need help.

Nora and I are both out of bed as fast as we can and turn on the lights.

Nora goes over to her and adjusts a few settings, and finally the alarms stop.

Nora checks Charlotte over, and nods. "She's fine," she says as she starts to cry.

"How much longer do we have to deal with this shit?" She sobs.

I just hold her and let my own tears fall. I have no idea.

The alarms wake up Lizzie, and she starts wailing.

"I'll get her. You go back to sleep," I say, kissing Nora.

I grab Lizzie and hold her close as we go downstairs and I make her a bottle. I sit in my favorite chair and rock her as I feed her. Her little noises and sucking sounds bring comfort to my still rattled mind.

A few minutes later, Savvy comes downstairs.

"Sorry, baby girl. Didn't mean to wake you again."

She shakes her head. "It's fine. Want me to take her so you can get some sleep?"

"You're amazing, beautiful. No, it's the middle of the night and you have school tomorrow. Get some sleep," I say, reaching up and kissing her cheek.

She just nods as she goes back upstairs.

I feed Lizzie and change her diaper, and after I get her back to sleep and in her crib, Jaxson cries.

I sigh as I go in and check on him. "What's wrong, Jax?" I ask as I flip on his light and go over to him.

"I wet my bed," he sniffs.

"It's ok. I used to too when I was your age. Come on, let's get you clean," I say as I kiss his head and help him up. Man the kid is drenched.

I take him into the bathroom and get him wiped off and dressed in fresh jammies. Then I strip his bed and put fresh sheets on it. Problem is, he peed over all of his blankets too. This sucks. Laundry is already piling up. Mom is coming over tomorrow to help with laundry.

I get him some blankets from the linen closet and make his bed.

"K, buddy, climb in."

Jaxson looks at me and starts crying.

"What's wrong?"

"I want my Spider-Man blanket," he sniffs.

"Buddy, it's dirty. I'll wash it tomorrow and you can sleep with it tomorrow night."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now