~77~ Computer Glitch

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I'm never sure what truly constitutes a trigger warning. This next series is going to be somewhat intense. It will involve some definite PTSD type of emotions, as well as talks about panic attacks in this chapter. If panic attacks are triggering for you, then you might want to be mindful when reading.

Ellie's POV

The last few days I've felt kinda funny, but I've been ignoring it. Dylan's leaving must have rattled me more than I thought.

I'm anxious, nervous, and occasionally get spine-chilling nausea. I haven't said anything to Taylor, because there's no point. What's he going to be able to do?

I'm in my office and working on my logs. I have a particular student's file that's giving me fits. I don't have the right paperwork from the parents, and I need to get it figured out.

My phone goes off, but I ignore it. It's just a text, and I have GOT to get this file sorted. If this student comes in needing her meds, I won't be able to give them to her because I don't have the parents permission.

I finally decide to just call the mom. As I'm calling her and getting everything I need figured out, my phone lights up again. I look over, and see it isn't from a number I recognize.

Once I get off the phone, and wait for the mom to email me her consent, I glance at my phone.

*it's been a long time, sassy lady. I still can't get you out of my mind.

I immediately feel like I'm going to be sick. There's NO WAY this is who I think it is

I look at the next text

*come now, you're not ghosting me, are ya? What we had was so damn special

I'm now starting to feel like I could hyperventilate

Then I get another text

*I saw you yesterday. My signature on your cheekbone looks amazing on you. It turned me on, sassy lady.

That's all I can handle. Without even thinking, I rush out and go to Mason. My brain isn't working enough. I could have gone to Lance...Luke and Nick...Sasha...

However, Mason is the one who protected me that night, and for some reason, he's who I automatically run to.

I'm not even thinking as I burst into his classroom. I NEVER do that. I rarely even knock. I always just wait silently until he sees me and comes out.

I go in so quickly, he automatically looks up. As soon as he sees me, he actually turns white. He must see the terror on my face.

"Ellie, are the guys ok?" He asks as he throws his notes to the floor and rushes over to me, grabbing my shaking hands in his.

All I can do is nod. I can't say anything. I don't even pay attention to the entire class watching us.

His face immediately flashes relief....The relief only lasts for a second.

"Who's it about?" He asks sternly.

I can't even talk. I'm starting to feel my chest tighten, and I know an anxiety attack is just about here.

"TELL ME NOW!" He yells, making several people in his class jump.

"Me," I say, not even above a whisper. I'm not sure if he even heard me.

"What is it?" He bends down so he's eye level, staring hard into my eyes.

I can't talk, so I just take my hands out of his and get my phone out of my back pocket.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now