~102~ ***Chemo***

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This is the last Shay chapter for a bit... I will occasionally mention how she's doing, or a character will see her through their eyes, but I'm needing a break from Shay's storyline, and I want to move on to other things. Obviously we will come back to it, but since this storyline will continue for a while, this is the last chapter on it for now.

Also, in case it's confusing, I'll just throw in a note...I'm going to timehop a little. This chapter is basically how the next month or so of chemo is going....However, I have to jump back so we're not left hanging with the Josie storyline, as well as other things I have planned...It should work in the end, but if not.....I'm sorry 😇😇😘😘

Last but not least...give me your thoughts on something you're wanting to see. I've had a LOT of heavy chapters lately, and I don't wanna bum you out. Need some light hearted chapters? Some more disciplinarian chapters? More "smut" chapters? I'm going to do a couple simple chapters before I go into any new planned storylines!

Luke's POV

We wake up in our hotel room Tuesday morning, and I can tell Shay's already awake. Even though she was still sore, we had the best couple of days.

I wish we could've stayed in the moment for longer, but unfortunately the moment is over, and it's time to go back home.

She has her first round of chemo in four hours, and she's nervous....So am I.

I can tell she's awake, but her back is facing me. I kiss her neck, and she immediately looks up at me and smiles. "Morning"

I grin at her and kiss her nose. "Morning."

She sits up and takes a big breath. "I'm starving. Wanna get some food?"

"Can you eat before?"

She nods. "Your mom and I checked with my oncologist. I can...She recommends I eat a little lighter, but I'm just gonna eat what I want. Might as well enjoy food one last time. I'll be too sick to enjoy it after."

I kiss her hair and bring her into me.

"This won't last forever. The day your cancer is out of you, is the day we're having the celebration of a lifetime. Let's get you healthy, baby."

She bites her lip and nods. "Can we do it once more, while I look almost normal and feel fine?"

I kiss her softly and resist stroking her hair. I don't want her to think I'm saying goodbye to her hair.

I slowly get on top of her, making sure I'm nowhere near her incision, and we spend the next while continuing our honeymoon.


We get to the cancer center and get situated. They told her to wear comfy clothes, so we're both rocking T-shirts and sweats. I also brought her a blanket, incase she gets chilly.

The inside of the building isn't what I expected. I expected cold and sterile; It's actually colorful and warm. They must do what they can for their patients to make it easier. There's several people in chairs, getting their chemo, and I have to look away. I can't believe we have to do this.

They get her set up, and give her the IV. Together we sit for the long two and a half hours; She's quiet as she stares out the window. This place is nice, all things considering. The room is covered in floor to ceiling windows, looking out to the prettiest view of the mountains. It's so serene.

Shay continues to stare at the mountains, and I'm having a hard time reading her face. I grab her hand and she looks at me. "Sorry we had to come back to reality. I've had the best few days with you."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now