~165~ Crap-Tastic Day

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Ellie's POV

Taylor is gone for a long time, and I stay put on top of Mary. When he finally comes back, he nods.

"Found your car—Come pick out the color."

"I'm not buying a damn car! I want my car back!"

"Ellie, come on! It's just like yours, only it's new. It looks like yours, only nicer—One is even in the same color. Your old one had over 200,000 miles on it—This was gonna happen eventually. I'm not dumping all this money into an old car that won't make it much longer. Let's go get you this car."


"ELEANOR!" He yells as he curses under his breath again.

He's back to not saying it AT me, at least

"So, then let's not get a car—Not ever—Not having you on the road sounds like a freakin' dream."

I shake my head as I get on my phone.

"Who are you calling?" He demands

"Can you come pick me up at Snyder's Auto Sales? My stupid husband is being a royal ass! Thanks."

"Do whatever you want to, Taylor," I say as I get off of Mary and start walking off the lot.

I hear him running after me, and then he grabs my hand.

"You walk off this lot before whoever you just called comes and gets you, and I'll drag you back—I'm hoping you won't make me cause more of a scene than we already have. All I'm asking is for you to come look at them and tell me which color you like. I'd also like you to test drive one to see if you're comfortable with it."

"I'm not comfortable," I hiss.

"Who's coming to get you?"


Taylor nods. "Then we have about half an hour until he gets here. Let's just test drive it. If you don't like it, I'll table this until I get back from shift the day after tomorrow."

"You will?"

"The car, yeah. We're still in a fight."

"You bet your sweet ass we are," I snap as I follow after him.

We get to six different colored SUV's—I'm not interested in any of them. There's one that's a burnt orange, and it's kinda pretty, though.

Burnt Orange may be hard to find polish that matches for the touch ups I will undoubtedly have to make.

"The blue," I sigh.

Blue is so boring, but I already have a nail polish at home that will match perfectly.

Taylor nods and tells the man we want to test drive the blue one.

We wait around for the crappy guy to get us the crappy key, and then I go to the passenger side.

"No, you're driving it."

"Taylor, I don't want to."

"Just down the street and back, and then I'll take it for a spin."

I sigh as I go to the driver's side, completely humiliated. The guy has to drive with us, and I'm embarrassed.

He hands us the key, and then starts to walk back inside.

Huh. Do they not ride with you anymore? It's really been a long time since I've gotten a car.

I turn the car on, and get things adjusted. As I'm pulling out of the car lot, Taylor is already flinching.

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