~31~ Calling Dad

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Mason's POV

I had such a good lunch with Liam. I was needing it...My day has been crap.

Izzy is seriously driving me crazy. She was being insane in my class this morning. Lucky for me, I have her again this class too. She's in my Honors Civics class.

She gets in and glares at me. We had words 3rd period, and she's mad. She gets detention tonight, thanks to me.

Everyone gets in and I take attendance. When I'm done, I start passing out a syllabus for the new project I'm assigning.

"Mason, this is seriously bullshit. You just assigned a project in third hour too."

"Excuse me?" I ask, trying to pick my jaw up off the floor.

She just glares at me and pops her gum.

"Class, can you inform Miss Greene what you call me here at this school?"

"Mr. West," everyone says, anxious to see where this is going. Izzy is extremely popular. She has also made a lot of enemies, several of which are in this class and anxious to see her in trouble.

"I have literally seen you in your underwear before. I think we're past formalities."

Blood drains from my face. Even though what happened with me and Sasha was years ago, there's still rumors and things. This sounded really, really bad.

"Ok, before a rumor gets started, I'm going to explain what Isabelle just meant. She stayed the night a few weeks ago with my sister Josie. I woke up in the middle of the night to get a drink, and they were downstairs making brownies. I didn't know they were there. You are so out of line right now, Isabelle."

"No, you are. I have known you for years, but because you're my teacher I have to call you Mr. West here? Look, MASON, I don't have time for two projects. I, unlike you, actually have a life."

"I didn't assign you two projects," I say, trying to keep my voice under control.

"Then WHY do I have two syllabuses?"

"The one this morning is a paper."

"You're unbelievable."

I sigh as I shake my head. "Guys, you get five minutes of free time. Enjoy it. Thanks to Izzy, you won't get any at the end of class, so I can catch up on what I'm behind on now."

I walk out to the hall and get my phone out of my pocket. I find Wes' number and call him.

"What's up, Mason?" He asks in a cheery voice.

"I'm sorry Wes, but I've literally never felt like spanking someone else's kid as much as I feel like spanking yours. Can you come here and do something? She's pushed me past my limit."

"Yeah. What did she do?" He asks, his voice livid and shaking.

I tell him, word for word, what was said.

He's quiet for a moment, when he finally speaks. "I'll be there in 15. Will class still be going on then?"


"K. I'll be there soon."

I feel awful. I hate being the reason students get in trouble. I hate causing waves, but Izzy has been a tsunami lately.

I hang up and continue explaining the syllabus, while Izzy is on her phone. I ignore it. She's wasted enough of my class time today.

"Your teacher is talking right now, and you're on your phone?" Wes asks from the doorway.

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