~145~ Little Monster

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Sasha's POV

I can see Mason staring at me, but I refuse to look at him. If I look at him I'll start crying, and I don't need this lady knowing what a completely horrible mom I am.

We might not actually have anymore kids after this. Mason and I have both talked about it. If I want to be done, he'll support it. Pregnancy is really hard on my body. I'm always tired and sick—Always hurting and cranky.

Now I'm having another boy. Maybe we could try for one more—Man I wanted this to be a girl.


When we leave the doctor's office, Mason takes my hand silently as we walk to the car. When we get in, he's still silent. It isn't until he pulls into the ice cream shop that I say anything.

"Not hungry"

"Well I am, so you're gonna go in and sit with me," he says in a somewhat harsh tone.

When we get up to the counter, he orders my favorite ice cream, and we sit down. I barely even pick at mine.

"I'm sorry you're so sad, Sash...But I'm not sad he's a boy. Drew is the light of our world, and now he gets a brother. I'm pumped."

I sniff as I take a bite.

"Honestly, I was nervous about having a girl. Josie is a handful."

"She's not our daughter," I snap.

"I'm just saying....All the sassyness and attitude...Dealing with all the hormones and the hair disasters...."

"I'm so glad your life isn't being inconvenienced by a girl then, Mason."

"Don't. I would be just as happy sitting here right now if he was a girl...But he's not. He's perfect and healthy—And I'm insanely excited to meet him. Get a better attitude."

I look at him, and feel hot tears pricking my eyes.

"That isn't fair. I already love this baby more than my own life. But don't tell me that my feelings are invalid—I want a girl. Why does that make me a monster? I've literally had 20 minutes to process the fact that I'm not getting one. Back off."

He nods and grabs my hand. "We can try for a girl if you ever want to. This doesn't have to be our last child."

"Oh, we're definitely trying for a girl."

Anger flashes in his eyes. "But if this was a girl now, we'd be done?"

I don't know that answer.

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. "I'm trying really hard to keep my mouth shut......"

"Don't worry about it. Go ahead and tell me."

"Why do you always have to be so damn selfish? You have been from the moment I met you, but I figured it was just teenage attitude."

That really makes me mad. "I could say a lot of hurtful stuff now too, Mason..."

"Go ahead."

"Nah, I'll just think it on my walk home."

I stand up to leave and he grabs my hand. "You're not walking home, by yourself, in the middle of winter."

"So not only do you think you can tell me how to feel, but you think you can also tell me what to do? Funny. If you wanted a person like that, you married the wrong girl. Go find someone like Shay," I spit as I leave the ice cream shop and start walking.

I don't get far when the car comes up behind me. "Sasha Jane Preston West, get your ass in here now."


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