~23~ Dinner

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Ellie's POV

Once we leave, it's awkward. It's completely awkward. This kid still can't look at me. When we get in the car, I silently just grab his hand. He squeezes it, and holds it until we get home.

We get in and do our separate thing. We both need time to figure out how we're feeling.

I just want him to be happy. If having his real mom in his life will make him happy, then that's what he's going to get. Even though it makes me feel like I'm swallowing glass, I'll ignore the searing pain and pretend I'm fine. It's fine.

As long as he's happy, it's fine.

Sometimes I forget I'm not his real mom, ya know? Like, he and I have become linked so deeply, that I'll forget I'm not his actual mom. It hurts when I'm reminded. I'm starting to realize how Taylor felt with Liam all of those years. I know he wishes Liam was his.

Nolan stays in his room, and declines dinner when I offer. When I go up to check on him, he's in bed and sleeping by 7:30.

Well, his eyes were closed, but I don't think he was actually sleeping.

The next morning, I'm still in bed when Taylor gets home. He comes in the room and goes to take a shower. Once he comes out, he gets dressed and slips into bed, bringing me in close.

"Get any sleep last night?" I ask with my eyes still closed.

"It was quiet," he says, not answering my question.

"How's your heart feeling today, momma?" He asks in my ear.


He sighs as he brings me in closer. After another minute, I turn around and open my eyes. "Sorry to drop that on you on top of the Commissioner. What happened with Jenkins?"

Taylor sighs. "We made a save at the zoo. A little kid literally fell into the lion's pen."

"Oh my gosh!" I say as I sit up, horrified.

He nods and sits up too. "Yeah. Well, the zookeepers were able to sedate the lion, and we were able to get her out. She was fine. Jenkins was so rattled that he went off on the dad, saying that it was his negligence, and no parent in their right mind would let that happen...Which he was right, but he still shouldn't have said it... The dad got pissed and before we knew it, Jenkins and the dad were swinging at each other. Someone caught it on their phone and now it's all over the damn news. The Commissioner is trying to fire Jenkins, to make the Department look good."

"Is she going to do it?"

"I'll lose my job before it happens," he says darkly.

"She's pretty"

"Pretty annoying, yeah," he says, not missing a beat.

I chuckle. "You know what I mean."

Taylor kisses my head. "She has a crush on Liam. It's pretty obvious, and it's driving Liam crazy."

I roll my eyes. What is with Commissioners having a crush on Lieutenants?

"Called his mom. She's coming over for dinner tonight."


"You good with that?"

"I have to be," I say simply.

"No you don't."

"For his sake, I do. Is he awake yet?"

Taylor shakes his head.

Nolan stays in his room until 11. The only reason he comes out is because Taylor made him. They silently come downstairs and we all sit on the couches.

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