~70~ Ready Or Not

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I'm being cautious and issuing a "possible" trigger warning for the end of this chapter. It will also extend to next chapter. If you need more details, please message me!

Ellie's POV

Today is our last day here, and I'm more than ready to go home. I was good and on my best behavior, but I'm done. I'm dirty, I smell like smoke, and if I have to see one more poor innocent fish get their guts taken out, imma cry...And possibly puke.

"Ellie Jane, can you pack up that cooler please? I have to get my tackle box back together before I take down the tent."

"Yeah," I grumble as I do what I'm told. I'm officially grouchy. It's five in the morning, we have an almost 9 hour drive ahead of us, and I'm out of clean underwear.

Taylor looks at me, but knows enough not to say anything. At least, he better know enough, or he might find himself in the lake. If that happens, he better hope all fishies that didn't land on his plate don't seek revenge on their buddies.

That would be a fishy situation...I would come up with something more clever, but I'm sick of camping and my jokes are as stinky as this damn lake.

"Can I ride with Uncle Jake, or am I still in trouble?" Nolan asks, still mad about the other day.

I look at him hard and wipe the sweat off my forehead, trying to get the cooler to shut. I packed it too full of ice, and I'm about to throw a fit.

Nolan says nothing as he goes over and fixes the cooler, moving ice and things and making it shut. Then he looks back at me silently.

"Yeah," I say as I try and pick up the stupid thing.

He silently goes over to the other end and helps me lift it, taking it to our car.

"Thanks buddy," I say as I force myself to smile. It's basically the first time he's come around me since yesterday morning.

"So I can?"

"Yeah. Have fun," I say as I kiss his cheek.

As I'm walking away, I hear him sigh. "Mom"

I turn around and look at him.

"I'm sorry I was awful that day."

I go back over to him and hug him, kissing his cheek again. "Sorry you got so embarrassed."

He nods and walks away, and I feel sad. I really, really made him upset. He's trying his best to forgive me, but I can tell that he still hasn't.

When we're FINALLY on the road, I just sit quietly in the middle row with Megan and listen to Izzy, Josie, and Savannah talk about some boys they like. About half an hour later, Taylor talks.

"You're awfully quiet back there, Ellie Jane. Watcha thinking about?"

"A shower"

Wes laughs and nods. "You did better than I thought you would, Eleanor."

"Bite me, Wes"

That got both men in the front laughing. I'm not sure why, I was being serious. Those two can go eat rocks.

By the time we get home I don't want to see anyone, talk to anyone, or do anything. We get everything unloaded, and I go upstairs and soak in the tub for a long time. I even locked the door so Taylor couldn't come in. He must have known enough not to even try, because I was left totally alone.

When I finally get out of the tub, I just put on pajamas. It's only 5 in the evening, but I don't care. My plan is to lay in bed all night and watch movies...BY MYSELF!

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