~64~ Men Versus Woman

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Ellie's POV

After an entire week of packing, we all file into our cars and hit the road.

Oh, I know what you're probably thinking...It's summer time! I bet the Preston/Clark/Greene/West/Freeman family is going to the beach, right?


All the men in our family went on strike. "You woman have made us go to the beach for 20 summers now. Enough is enough!"

So, we're all hitting the road for vacation, and I'm sitting in my seat, pouting. Ok, I also know what you're thinking. "Ellie, quit being so ungrateful. You know how many people would be thrilled to go on a vacation? Quit being a baby."

Yeah? Well give me a paci and pat my butt. I'm pouting.

This clan is going CAMPING


Just thinking about it is making the hair on my arms stand up.

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if we were "glamping" like Alex, Mason, Liam, and Jake are doing in their fancy-pants RV's they rented.

Not my ruggedly outdoorsy man. We're roughing it in a dang tent. A TENT!

One stupid week in a tent. Oh man, this is the pits.

We're riding in our car with Megan, Wes, Izzy, and Josie, and I'm not happy.

"I can't even ride in the cool RV's?" I pout in the back seat, crossing my arms.

Taylor looks back at me and rolls his eyes. "You taking Luke's place this year, baby girl?"


"I always had to pull the car over for him on road trips. You wanna have a turn this time?"

"Hush it, you. You're making me sleep in a hot tent for a week, the least you can do is let me play board games with people until we get there."

Seriously, there's a million places to camp. What possible reason is there to go ALL THE WAY to Yellowstone? We're also camping at Mount Rushmore for a few days.

"Ellie, I mean it, that's enough. I hate the beach, but I've never once complained about it. Be an adult and try to have a good time."

"Well, I'll quit talking about it, but ya can't stop me from thinking about it."

Wes cackles from the front and Taylor shakes his head. Normally he finds my antics charming. He doesn't this time... I'm really starting to bug him.

"You want to ruin your time being a baby, then be my guest. Don't ruin it for everyone else."

I look at Megan, and I know she feels the same way I do. She's just nice enough not to say anything.


Gabby's POV

Mason and Liam rented an RV together, and they got a huge one. They're both staying in the same one with their families. Luke and Trace are tenting with Shay and Emma, and they're riding in a car like Ellie and Taylor. Dad and Jake also have RV's, but they got separate ones. I'm riding in Jake's RV with Ethan, Zoe, and Nolan.

After we finished watching a movie, we decide to play a board game.

Zoe goes to get one down, and they all come crashing on top of her, making a huge mess.

"Oh no!" She shrieks as marbles and cards go all over the place.

Jake sighs, but says nothing as he pretends like he has no idea what just happened.

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