~32~ You Need Something Too

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Emma's POV

I'm at the gym early this morning, doing a lesson with Owen. He's seriously getting good. He told me a few months back that this is the only time he EVER takes for himself.

That's so hard. He comes in twice a week, for a half hour lesson. For an entire week, he only takes one hour for himself. What a seriously hard life.

When our lesson gets over, and he takes a big drink, he looks at me and grins.

"I hear congratulations are in order."

"Thanks," I smile.

"When's the big day?"

"Two months."

He chuckles. "You're brave. December is cold."

I laugh. "Yup, but it's pretty."

"Yeah, it is," he smirks.

"I'm not sure.....Am I supposed to invite you? Do you want me to invite you? You're becoming apart of the family, but I'm not sure what to do."

He looks at me hard for a long minute. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I don't want invited."

I just nod, feeling awkward.

"I hope that didn't hurt your feelings. You've just always been 'the girl that got away' for me...I know how creepy that sounds. If I'm being honest, Jenna's mom was my way of trying to get over you. I'm happy for you, I really am...But for selfish reasons, I can't be at your wedding. Plus, the last thing Trace is going to want on his wedding day is to see me in the crowd."

"Trace is fine with you"

He smiles and shakes his head. "He's fine with me as a person, yeah. He's not fine with me, though. When we were dating, I was never fine with him. If the roles were reversed, I wouldn't want to see him on my wedding day."

"You're an amazing person, Owen."

He smiles as he slings his gym bag over his shoulder. "Well, I'm not. I always wished I never would have taken you to that club that night. I'm convinced that's what ended it. I've been haunted by it. I've also been haunted by the fact that I fell in love with you, even though I always knew you were in love with Trace. I won't ever bring this up again though, Emma. I'm happy for you. I wish you the best, but I don't want invited to the wedding."

"Ok" I smile sadly.

"Have a good day. Thanks for waking up at the crack of dawn to do this."

"Of course," I say as I wave at him.

After I get changed in the locker room and fix my hair, I'm ready to leave for my first class. I have a few minutes to kill, so I go into Jake's office. He's been getting in early, so he can be home when the kids get home from school. He hired another main trainer to take his place most evenings.

"What's up, Emmy?" He grins as he puts his pen down.

"Not in the mood to go to school today," I chuckle.

He grins as he scratches his cheek. "I'm counting down the days until you are here full-time instead of school."

"Yeah, but it's a long ways away, it makes me sad."

He shrugs. "Just a year and a half. It will go by quick."

I just nod.

"I want to ask you something," I finally say.

"Uh oh"

"It's not an 'Uh oh'....I don't think."

He nods, silently waiting for me to speak.

"I was wondering if you would marry me."

He blinks several times, and then clears his throat. "Ok, I'm sure there's a logical explanation for this, but I'm confused. I'm your uncle, first of all....So that's way illegal...And disgusting....And Trace is a catch, Emmy."

I laugh out loud. "You're such a dork. I mean, would you stand up with me and Trace and marry us?"

"What?" He asks, his voice getting soft.

"My dad is giving me away, but Jake...I need you to have something too. I want you to marry us."

Tears fill his eyes and he looks down for a minute, trying not to cry.

"I don't know what to say," he finally says softly.

"Well that's not good. Usually when someone marries a couple, they have things to say."

He smirks and discreetly dabs at his eyes.

"I'm so beyond honored, Emma. Of course I will."


He grins. "Anything for my girl....Although, is this even legal? I don't want you two living in sin 'cause I didn't marry you right."

I laugh. "Yeah. You go online and fill out something, and you can be ordained."


I nod

"This is seriously cool, Emma. You sure you want your grumpy uncle to do this? I don't really have a way with words. A preacher would be more elegant."

"I don't care about elegant...Sasha cares about elegant. I care about being honest and real. That has your name written all over it."

He looks down again and clears his throat. "You're determined to make me cry, aren't you?"


He smiles as he stands up and comes around the desk, pulling me into a huge hug.

I hug him back, and we stay like that for a long moment.

"You sure know how to make a person feel special, kid."

"Right back atcha' uncle."

"Hey Emmy?"


"I ain't no damn Saint. God won't smite me for this, right?"

I chuckle as he rests his chin on the top of my head.

"I sure hope not. That would put a damper on the day."

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