~147~ Blinded By Love

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I promise I won't always make Trace and Emma have steamy chapters. I have plans to give their relationship more depth than that, but now isn't the time. Now you get to see how completely in love they are, and how content they are being alone with one another. This isn't a heavy "smut" chapter. I fade out for most of it, but if this thing offends you, I'm giving you warning.❤️

Emma's POV

"What do you wanna do tonight, Emmy?" Trace asks as he rubs my back, sending shivers down my spine. We're sitting on the carpet in the living room, watching TV.

"You," I say as I tilt my head back, kissing him upside down. Every day he gets more handsome. Every day he treats me better.

Every day I fall more and more in love with him.

"That can be arranged," he says as he flips me on my back and gets on top of me, kissing me gently.

We kiss for a while, enjoying the fact that neither one of us have anywhere to be tonight.

I can feel him on my thigh, and I get excited. This is gonna be a fun night.

Suddenly Trace's phone starts ringing. He sighs as he gets it off the coffee table and looks at it.

"Hold that thought," he grins as he answers it.

"Hey dad..........Oh, no we're good. We have enough food and blankets if we lose power.........Yeah I'm sure. Neither of us have to go anywhere tonight, so we'll just hunker down. K. Bye."

"Where were we?" He asks as he gets back on top of me.

It's fun being spontaneous all the time. I'm SO glad I wasn't pregnant that time. We'd have the baby right now otherwise, and then things like this wouldn't happen.

I love having Trace all to myself

"What did he want?" I ask as Trace kisses my neck, making my toes curl.

"He's freaked about the snowstorm."

"It's just snow...."

He moves down more and starts kissing my stomach.

"Yeah, but they're talking blizzard conditions and power outages."

"Why're they so worried? Snuggling under blankets all night sounds fun."

"Parents are boring," he grins as he lifts my shirt off. "You know Emmy, they say you stay warmer if you're both naked...."

"Well what are we waiting for?" I ask as I help him out of his shirt.


We finish with round one, and we go to the kitchen to make a snack. We're both completely naked and warm, despite the fact that the snow is starting to lightly fall.

"Emmy, how would you feel about another 'keeping warm session' after I get some sustenance?"

I look at him, pretending to be disgusted. "I mean, I wanna be warm all night..."

He grins as he comes up to me and grabs me, kissing me hard. "I'll keep ya toasty, Emmy."

We start eating some leftover pizza, when he gets a funny look in his eye.


He puts his pizza down and spins me around so my stomach is pressing against the counter. He spreads my legs open further and pushes my hips into him, starting another 'keeping warm session.'

"I thought we were eating," I gasp as he makes his hips move in a delicious way.

"We were, but you're just so beautiful. I can stop if you want," he says, his hands on both my hips as he stops for a moment.

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