~186~ Toxic

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Raya's POV

"I really am sorry that I threw those at you. You can ground me if you want—I deserve it."

He kisses my head and holds me tighter. "That was the first time I ever truly saw you react to anything, Raya. Don't make a habit out of it, but I'll let it slide this time."

I grab his arm and turn it, seeing the purplish bruise already coloring his tanned skin.

"I'm so sorry—I have no idea what came over me."

He sits up and looks into my probably swollen eyes. "I used to have horrible anger problems. That's a conversation I will have with you at some point, but not until you trust me more. What you just did wasn't an anger problem—It's deeper than that. Side note—With as much force as you threw that glass with, you should try out for softball too."

"You don't always have to make a joke out of everything. I hurt you, and I deserve a punishment. Would you have punished Zoe or Ethan if they just did that?"

He shrugs. "Maybe, maybe not. If they did it out of spite, then yes. If they did it because of the reason you did, then no."

"You make zero sense."

He nods. "You should see my brain—It makes even less sense. Come on, let's go get something to eat."


The next couple of days, I'm trying to get over the fact that my heart is broken. I go to school, come home from school, and do homework.

Nothing very exciting

We're eating pizza tonight for dinner, when the doorbell rings.

"I'll get it," Jake says as he stands up and walks over to the door. When he opens it, he just stands there for a minute.

Finally he clears his throat.

"Hey," he says quietly.


Oh my gosh—It's Justin

Jake moves out of the way, and Justin walks in, carrying a bag.

He looks over and sees me at the table, and gives me a small smile.

"Hey kid"

How can a person be so mad at someone, yet so happy to see them? It's like, it doesn't matter what they do, you're always gonna forgive them? Like, you know it's toxic, but you don't care.

I stand up and rush over to him, and throw myself into his arms.

"You came!" I say as I hug his waist as tight as I can.

He sets his bag down and wraps me up, and hugs me equally as tight.

"Sorry it took so long," he says softly.

I look up at him, and nod. "Yeah, you have some explaining to do."

I see his sad eyes, and suddenly I forgive him completely.

He nods. "Wish I could, Raya—I just really really suck."

"We're eating pizza if you want some—There's plenty," Jake says in a hard tone. When I look at him, I actually feel bad—He looks a little jealous or something.

Shoot. I don't mean to make him feel bad

"If there's enough, I'll eat—I'm starving."

Sarah gets up, and gets him a plate and a soda.

"He likes diet," I smile at Sarah.

"Oh, I don't have any. "Zo, can you run over to Ellie's and get one?"

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