~18~ Preston Girls Are Special

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Sasha's POV

I'm at the High School today, observing Cooper. This class is not behaving.

"Ryan, if I have to tell you again to stop talking, you're getting detention," Cooper snaps.

Ryan salutes Cooper and Cooper rolls his eyes.

"Kassie, read the next chapter please," Cooper says gently.

As Kassie is reading, I'm watching several boys texting under their desks. I know Cooper sees it too, but he's ignoring it.

When the bell rings, he talks. "Ryan, Patrick, Kris, and Sander, come here for a minute," he says sternly.

The boys stop and walk over to Cooper.

He is silent as he hands them each a packet of papers.

"What's this?" Ryan asks with an attitude.

"Since you four wouldn't quit talking, and wanted to text during my class, this is extra homework on top of the homework I just assigned. It's due tomorrow, or you will get detention."

"Mr. Keegan, there's no way we will get this all done," Sander complains.

"Then it looks like you will get detention tomorrow."

"I don't have time for detention tomorrow, I have football," Patrick says.

"Then you better hope you get this packet done, correctly, tonight. When I tell you to quit talking in my class, do it. Texting in my class is an automatic packet."

The boys just glare at him.

"I have more packets if this one isn't enough," he says in a low tone.

"It's enough," Patrick says as he silently leaves. His friends follow after him.

Once they're gone, Cooper shakes his head. I think he's as relieved as I am that this is our free period.

"That was really smart," I say with a smile.

He looks at me and chuckles. "I can't take credit. My dad always had these stupid packets made up for me whenever I got in trouble and had to stay at the firehouse. Although, I didn't get detention if they didn't get done."

"Nope. You got my belt," Keegan says with a huge grin at the door. Dad is standing next to him with an equally big smile.

"Thanks, dad," Cooper says, embarrassed.

"Keegan!!!!" I say as I stand up and run over to him, giving him a huge hug.

"Sasha Jane Preston, it's good to see you, my girl," he says with tears in his eyes. He pulls away from me and stares at me hard.

"Is my boy treating you good?" He asks, giving Cooper a 'dad look.'

"Yup," I smirk, hugging him again.

"Good to see you, Chief Preston," Cooper says, shaking dad's hand.

"You too, Coop. It's been too long."

"I know! I still haven't seen your wife yet. I've been meaning to go to her office one of these days."

"We just went and saw her. Man you Preston girls are something special," Keegan says softly.

"What are you doing here, Keegan?" I grin.

"Came to visit my kids for the week. Did he not tell you?"

"No," I say, glaring at Cooper.

"I figured he would come visit you. Thought it would be fun to surprise you," Cooper chuckles.

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