~29~ Merging Families

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Emma's POV

Trace and I are headed out on a date. It's the first day both of us have had off in weeks. We've spent the whole day together, going hiking. We decide to go on a date tonight, and Trace wanted to make it fancy.

"We never get dressed up and go to a nice restaurant. Let's do it!"

I chuckle, ignoring how excited I am. He's always so sexy in dress clothes.

I put on a tight blue dress, and do my makeup and hair. I've gotten muscular these last few years. I've learned to love my body. I don't have the same body type as Sasha and my mom. My shoulders are broader and my hips are wider. It doesn't mean I'm fat. I'm in the healthy range for my age and height, so I've learned to embrace it.

Plus, Trace can pick me up and carry me without straining, so that helps my confidence too.

I come down the stairs, and Trace is already downstairs with my mom, dad, Nolan, Luke, and Shay.

He still takes my breath away. Sometimes the dark thoughts that he's too good looking for me try to creep in. But then I remember what Jake always tells me... 'I'm A Badass.'

So I push the thoughts away and remind myself that I am good enough for him. He loves me, and I love him, and it doesn't matter how beautiful he is. I'm enough for him.

He is stunning in his black dress pants and navy blue dress shirt. Without meaning to, we totally match.

When he sees me his face lights up. He comes over to me and hugs me tight.

"I don't know how you continue to be more beautiful, but Emma Katherine, you're radiant," he says as he lifts me up and spins me around, kissing me softly.

I smile at him, and touch his cheek. "That color looks good on you," I say.

He smirks and puts me down, holding my hand.

I look at mom and dad and they look funny...Emotional or something. Even Luke looks weird.

"Ready Emmy?" He asks.

"Yeah," I smile as I kiss mom and dad goodbye.

I see Luke squeeze Trace's shoulder, and Trace smiles at him. Then he follows after me.

We walk to his car and start heading to a really fancy Italian restaurant.

When we get in and get seated, Trace orders us some wine. I actually really like wine, but I don't drink it a lot. I don't like how it feels to be tipsy. Trace and I always just drink one glass, especially if we have to drive. It's a rule we made for ourselves.

We eat our dinner and make small talk. Something is wrong with Trace, but I can't put my finger on it. He has been fine all day, but now he seems on edge.

"You ok?" I ask as I eat a bite of fettuccini and take a sip of my wine.

"Yeah. I'm just stunned into silence by your beauty," he smirks, giving me his signature 'Trace' smile.

"You're such a dork," I chuckle as I take a bite of my bread.

"I've had such a good day with you. After this, want to walk on the riverfront? There's a full moon tonight."

I nod. "Yeah, but I don't want to be out crazy late. I've got an early morning lesson at the gym."

"Oh yeah? Which client?"

"Owen. He needs to go early this next month, before his mom has to go to work, so she can watch Jenna."

Trace nods, and continues eating. I know that Owen still makes him jealous, but he doesn't say anything about it anymore. He is truly doing his best to not let it bother him.

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