~190~ Just Ask

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Taylor's POV

"Need glasses, Chief?" Liam grins from my door as I look over these damn reports again.

I dramatically stand up and go to take off my belt, glaring at him the whole time.

He immediately looks somber as he clears his throat and shifts from foot to foot.

"What I meant to say, Chief, is that you just look so gosh-darned handsome, and glasses would only add to your rugged exterior."

I grin at him as I tighten my belt back and sit down, motioning him in.

"I don't need glasses, thank you very much."

"Ok—I was just imagining the squinting and the straining, then."

"You WERE imagining, ding-dong. What's up?"

"I was just wondering if my most favorite step-dad in the whole-wide-world would buy his men some pizza for dinner tonight. Mathney is supposed to cook."

"Mathney?" I grimace as I immediately decide on pizza tonight.

"Yeah. Please save our tummies, Chief!"

I hand him my debit card and nod. "Get whatever."

"I don't need it now, Chief. It's only 11," he chuckles as he hands it back.

"It's only 11?!?! Ugh it feels like I've been doing this all day," I say as I stand back up and stretch. I'm ready to see my girl, and I'm ready for tomorrow to get here.

*Engine 20, Truck 80, Squad 10, Ambulance 20, Fire Alarm at Trinidad Grade School

Both Liam and I look at each other in horror.

That's Drew's school

We rush as fast as we can and get in our turnout gear, getting into the trucks within a minute.

Doing this job is both a curse and a blessing. A blessing, because we can help our family in this type of situation—A curse, because we have to help our family in this type of situation. Can these rigs not move ANY faster?!?!

After thirty thousand years (three minutes and forty-two seconds) we get to the school and jump out. We immediately see little kids filing out with their teachers, but I have to keep my Chief hat on. I can't look for Andrew.

You better believe I'm scanning for him, but I see Drew nowhere.


"Want me to call Sasha?" Liam asks as we rush into the building.

"Not yet—Let's assess the situation first," I say as we start ordering our men to go to different sections of the school.

After our initial sweep of the building, we're not seeing an issue anywhere.

The relief that fills me is intense.

I walk to the alarm that was pulled, and notice that it's right outside of Drew's class. His teacher's name is Mrs. Night, and that's the name on the door.

Don't get suspicious, Chief

When we go back outside and talk to the Principal, I tell him the alarm got pulled and everything seems to be ok. "I'm sending my men back through once more though, so hang tight," I smile as I shake his hand.

"Do you by chance know where Mrs. Night's class is at?" I ask as I scan the playground once more.

"The kindergarten classes are standing by the Evergreens," he points.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now