~68~ Spooned

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Gabby's POV

We've been hiking around this stupid mountain all day and I'm getting tired of it. How many different angles do we need to see a president's head? Old people are so boring.

Zoe and I are about out of patience, and I think Nolan and Ethan are too. Mason is on cloud 9 right now, and actually so are dad and Taylor. They think Mt. Rushmore is so cool.

"I'm ready to go swimming in the lake," Nolan mutters as he sits next to me on the bench.

"Me too. I've been ready to go for two hours."

Nolan nods as he takes a drink of his water. He sees a cute girl and then smiles at her when she notices him looking at her. She grins and twirls her hair. I don't understand how we can't go anywhere without someone noticing him. The last campground we were at, several girls followed him around the whole time.

"Think if we walked back to the campsite we would get in trouble?" He asks after another minute.


He sighs as he motions for his mom to come over. Once she does, she smiles big at him and kisses his head.

"Mom, we've been here for three hours. I want to go swimming. Can we go?"

Ellie gives him a hard look. "No. Mason was looking forward to this place the most. There are several grownups who are having a great time, and we will stay as long as they want."

"Then can I walk back?"

"Nolan James, that's enough. You can NOT walk back, alone, miles from the campsite."

"Mom, come on. I'm 14."

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were 14. My goodness, you're such a grownup," she deadpans as she crosses her arms.

"No need to be nasty," he mumbles as he crosses his arms.

She chuckles as she gets down and stares hard at his face. "Baby boy, you have yet to see nasty. Keep it up. I may not have brought Woody, but I've got some wooden spoons that would work real nice."

He glares at her, not once breaking eye contact. I've never seen him so grouchy before.

"Care to test me?" She asks, surprised by how cranky he's being too.

He still says nothing, and still doesn't break eye contact.

Ellie straightens back up. "Jake" she yells.

Jake comes over and kisses her cheek. "What's up?"

"How much sleep has he gotten in your RV the last four nights?"

Jake rolls his eyes. "Not much. I've been having an awful time getting Ethan and Nolan to go to bed every night. Couple hours at best."

Ellie nods. "K. Well, he's going to sleep in our tent tonight. He's beyond tired, and it's making him cranky."

"MOM!" Nolan yells, standing up and getting mad.

Taylor walks up, hearing Nolan yell.

"What's wrong?" He asks, surprised by Nolan too. He never talks to Ellie like this.

"Mom hates camping so she's taking it out on everyone else," Nolan snaps.

Taylor looks at him hard, and then shakes his head.
"I was expecting her to, yeah, but she's been great."

"Figured you would side with her," he grumbles as he sits back down roughly and crosses his arms.

Taylor looks between Ellie and Nolan, confused.

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