~14~ Worst Paddling Of My Life

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Luke's POV

We're laying in bed when Shay turns over and looks at me.

"If we get married and have kids, are you going to spank them?"

I turn off the TV and sit up.

"Um, yeah...I mean, I never planned not to. Why? Are you not ok with it?"

She sits up and shrugs her shoulders. "I've never been spanked before. I was never against spanking, but I don't know. After last night, I don't know if I want to allow my children to have that."

I sigh and grab her hands. "Last night was crazy intense. I was even cringing. They're not all like that."

"How many times did you get one that bad?"

"Uh, several. The worst one was the one Liam gave me with the belt, though."


"Yeah. I was on steroids and hit my mom. She was black and blue all over. Liam wore me out because dad was too mad to do it."

"Yeah, we're getting back to that story later," she says darkly.

I inwardly groan. I don't think I've still forgiven myself for that one. Hurting my mom will haunt me for the rest of my life.

"What about with the paddle?"

"They all hurt, but yeah...I got several bad ones like that."

"Give me a for instance."

"Shay, come on. It's embarrassing telling my girlfriend about my spankings."

She shrugs. "It's embarrassing telling you when I'm mad. I've been working on it. I want to know more
about this topic."

I sigh as I remember the worst paddling of my entire life.


I'm 16 and mom and dad are on a date. Trace and I are bored, and we decide to go to the movies. When we get back, they still aren't home.

"Sasha, what time are mom and dad coming back?"

"What am I, their keeper?" She snaps at me.

For some reason, that pisses me off.

"You don't have to be such diva," I sneer.

Hannah and Lexi are over, and they aren't thrilled with me.

"Go eat a worm, Luke," Sasha says, throwing some hot wax at me...She and the girls are waxing their legs, and it's disgusting.

"Can't you take your body hair elsewhere? You're nasty," I snap, rubbing the wax off of me. That just burned the crap outta' my arm.

She ignores me as she helps Lexi with her mud mask.

"Where's Emma?" I ask, looking around.

Lexi snorts. "The cow is in her barn where she belongs."

Now I'm seeing red. "Sasha, this b**** is evil. Why can't you get nicer friends?"

She just ignores me as they continue pulling out their body hair.

Before I know what I'm doing, I carefully get several strips of the paper stuff and smear globs of wax on each one. They're too preoccupied with their mud masks to notice. I carefully put two strips in Lexi's hair, and one strip in Sasha's. I'm nicer to Sasha than I was Lexi. I only put the strip on the end of Sasha's hair. Not Lexi's, though. I put the strip in the smack dab middle of the witch's hair.

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