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Ellie's POV

"Alexander, you and I need to talk," I say as we're walking to the lake; We're swimming and fishing most of the day today.

"Uh oh," he says as he puts his arm around my shoulder and kisses my head. "What did I do?"

I take his hand and pull him away from the others, and I drag him to a secluded spot in the grass.

"Sit," I say sternly, pointing to the ground.

"Ellie, what's wrong?" He asks as he grabs both of my hands and bends down to look at my face.

I kiss his cheek and push him down, sitting next to him in the grass. Then I stare at him hard.

"You know how much I love you, right?"

His blue eyes get wide and his face concerned.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

I roll my eyes. "No, but you might break up with me. I'm going to overstep. You ready, or do you need a minute?"

He sighs as he lays down in the grass, and pulls me with him. I put my head on his chest, and we both look at the clouds.

"Remember when we used to play the cloud game? That one looks like a zombie, eating a chicken," he points above him.

I laugh. He's such a loser.

"Lay it on me," he finally says, still looking at the sky and holding me close to him.

"The RV's aren't as private as you guys think they are."

He starts to laugh. "You heard us having sex last night, huh?"

"Ew. No, thank goodness."

"Ok, then what's wrong?"

"Alex, you have sleep apnea. Your snoring kept me up all night last night. Even Taylor heard it."

He turns and looks at me hard. "Knock it off Ellie. No I don't."

"Alex, I heard you with your air conditioning running. You were inside an RV. I couldn't hear you guys having sex, but I heard you snoring. You HAVE to get this treated."

He sits up, and I can immediately tell he's furious. "You don't have to butt into EVERYTHING with my life. How about you focus on yours, and the fact that you have a seriously pissed off son right now."


"Nolan is pissed at you. Worry about that instead of me," he snaps as he gets up and leaves.

I take a big breath and follow after him. I knew he was going to be mad, Lilah had warned me. She also begged me to talk to him about this. She's tried for years.

I don't catch up with him until he's at the lake, standing next to Gabby and helping her bait her hook.

"This isn't going away, and neither am I," I say behind him, catching the whole families attention.

"You never go away," he grumbles as he gets the worm on the hook and hands the pole back to Gabby.

"Of course not. I love you too much. If you don't get this treated, Alex, you could die."

"What's she talking about?" Liam asks, standing up and walking over.

"Nothing. Mom just doesn't know how to mind her own business," Alex says, turning around and glaring at me.

"That's not true at all. Mom always minds her own business. What are you not getting treated?"

"Drop it, Liam," Alex snaps, still glaring at me.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now