~39~ Worst Fear

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Ellie's POV

The next day after Nolan's allergic reaction, I decide to make an appointment and get him checked out. He isn't thrilled, and he's been complaining all morning.

"I feel fine. I don't see why I have to go."

"Nolan James Freeman, I'm getting tired of this. I am telling you that you are going. What would the correct response be?"

He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Yes ma'am."

"Now get your butt in the car, before I spank you."

He silently leaves, and I kiss Taylor goodbye.

The ride to the doctor is quiet. He REALLY hates the doctor.

I get him checked in, and when they call his name I go back with him; I want to talk to the doctor myself.

The doctor comes in, and gives him a checkup.

"He looks good, mom. You administered it correctly. He's fine."

"Told you," Nolan grumbles.

I ignore it. "Is there any way you can put an order in for 7 Epi pens?"


"Yeah. We have a big family, and we all have houses by each other. Nolan is constantly at someone's house. This reaction was serious, and we wouldn't have had time to wait for 911. We barely had time for my husband to grab the pen from the bathroom. I want one at each house and one at the school."

He nods. "I think that's a good idea. I'll order 8, so he can keep one on him at all times too. Usually, every time a person has a reaction, it gets worse each time. I must warn you, ma'am, Epi pens are expensive. This will cost you a fortune."

"Don't care"

He nods. "K. I'll put your order in. All that's left is his booster, and then you're all set."

"My what?!!" Nolan asks with an attitude.

"You're still not caught up on your MMR. You will be after this one."

Nolan turns around and glares at me. "You never said anything about a damn shot."

"Watch your mouth. I didn't know."

Nolan is furious. "I won't get it."

"Yes you will."

Nolan sighs and shakes his head. "Can I at least go to the bathroom first?"

The doctor nods. "The nurse will be in in a few minutes."

Nolan gets off the table and starts taking off the gown and putting his clothes back on.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm not going to the bathroom in a stupid gown," he snaps.

"Watch your attitude. Get back here fast," I say, surprised by his attitude. He never acts like this, especially with me.

He slips his shoes on and leaves silently. I wait for ten minutes, and he still isn't back.

The nurse comes in, and looks around. "Is he not here?"

"He's in the bathroom."

She gives me a questioning look. "I just passed the bathroom. No one is there."

That little twerp.

I get up and grab my stuff, preparing to pop his little head off. I'm sure he's sitting in the car. He's not going to be sitting comfortably by the time I'm done with him. He's officially getting his first spanking from me.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now