~13~ No Privacy

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Mason's POV

Alex and I go out with Taylor for a while in his room off of the garage. We tell him everything that happened.

"Damn this was bad," Taylor finally says.

I just nod.

"I'm tempted to kick your ass for letting Ellie be there," Taylor says, glaring at Alex.

Alex nods. "Figured you would."

"He tried to make her leave. She got that stubborn set to her eyes, though," I say, defending Alex.

Taylor sighs and shakes his head. "That woman of mine infuriates me. You would have had to physically carry her out, which would have drawn attention. I won't kick your ass."

Alex smirks "appreciate it, man."

"So now what?" Taylor asks.

"I was serious about donating all of that money. Dylan isn't keeping a dime of it. I want him to physically hand all of his winnings to a charity, and then volunteer at that charity for the rest of his senior year. It's time he starts thinking of someone other than himself," I say. I've never been so serious about anything else in my entire life.

Alex nods "Can we do St. Jude? I know Charlotte doesn't have cancer, but I want it to be a charity for kids, in honor of her. It would be good for them to see how good their lives are."

I smile. "Love that idea."

I look over and see Taylor's eyes filling with tears. He likes the idea too.

"Tomorrow is Saturday. I'll call and figure out where we can go tomorrow to give them the money," Alex says.

"K. I'm going to take Dylan and head out. I don't want to be around anyone anymore...No offense."

"None taken, I feel the same way," Alex says.

"Ellie, Luke, and I will get your guys' cars in a bit. I'll drop it off at your house," Taylor says.

"Thanks Taylor," I say as I leave his cool man cave and go to grab my stupid brother.

"Let's go!" I say as I see him with his nose still in a corner.

When he turns around, his eyes are puffy. I think he was still crying in the corner.

He basically waddles over to me and we walk at a snails pace back to our house.

When we get inside, Drew runs and flings himself at me.

"Daddy!!!!! I've missed you!"

I pick him up and smile, kissing his cheek. "Missed you too, Little Dude. Did you have a good day?"

He shakes his head.


"Uncle Jake spanked me and it really hurt."

"What did you do?"

"I just wanted to play with Happy."

"Andrew Taylor. Is Happy ok?"

Sasha comes over and nods. "He let her outside and she ran into Mom and Dad's yard. Sarah said that was the first time he's ever spanked anyone before, and Jake cried. Sarah said Jake was more upset than Drew."

"Uncle Jake spanks hard," Drew sniffs, putting his head on my shoulder.

"You learned your lesson?" I ask, patting his bottom gently.

"Yeah. Don't make Uncle Jake unhappy, because then I get spanked," he sniffs in my shoulder.

I chuckle. "I meant with Happy."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now