~149~ Snow Monster

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Josie's POV

Ellie comes over to me, Izzy, and Savannah and takes a deep breath.

"Ok you three, you're in charge of all the little ones for now. Entertain them, keep an eye on them, and make sure they don't try to go outside."

"Grandma, there's 4 little kids. You know how hard that's gonna be?" Savannah pouts.

"Actually 5," Ellie says as she crosses her arms.

"How do you figure that?"

"The guys are sending Owen and Jenna over so they're not alone. You're going to do what I said without arguing with me, young lady."


Ellie chuckles darkly. "I'm sorry. I don't think you're understanding me....Everyone is working together, to make sure we're all safe. This is the job that I have assigned to the three of you. If you're still confused, then I'll grab Woody. He's a little chilly, so he'd enjoy thawing out a bit."

Liam and Mason walk in on the tail end of that conversation, and Liam glares at Savannah as he dumps his handful of wood in a pile by the fireplace. "What's she giving you problems about?"

"She's not....At least, not unless she wants to warm up Woody," Ellie says, not taking her eyes off Savannah.

"If grandma has to discipline you, I'll do it again when I get done, young lady," Liam says as he and Mason go back out quickly.

Savannah rolls her eyes and calls over the boys and the twins.

It's so weird seeing Liam serious. He rarely is, and whenever he isn't being dumb, it kinda makes the situation even more scary.

I think we all unintentionally rely on his stupid too much. We make fun of it, but if you asked everyone, I think they'd all say they need it. He makes this family sparkle a little bit more.

Suddenly the door opens, and Jenna is crying. Owen is trying to calm her down, but she's hysterical.

"What's wrong?" Ellie asks as she rushes over to them.

"The snow's in my shirt. It's so cold!" She wails.

Ellie takes her from Owen and walks her over to the fire, taking her coat off and trying to get the little girl warm.

"I'm so sorry, Ellie. We were just planning on riding it out, but Mason and Liam were adamant."

"I'm glad they were. Nobody should have to do this alone."

Owen nods. "Put me to work."

"Go over to Mason's house. Everyone is there, getting all the wood they can."

Owen nods as he goes over and kisses Jenna.

"I'll be back, JJ," he says as he quickly leaves.

Ellie gets the snow off her back and dries her off.

"Feel better, Jenna?" Ellie asks.

Jenna nods and wipes her eyes. "The wind was big and the cold hurt."

Ellie kisses her cheek. "Well it's warm in here. Go over there and play with the kids, ok?"

Jenna walks over and Drew grabs her hand. "Why was you crying?"

"I'm scared"

"Of what?"

"It's snowing and there's no lights at our house."

Drew nods as he gets a flashlight and comes back over, grabbing Jenna's hand.

"Don't worry....I gots a light now. Me and Jax will keep you safe."

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