~164~ Highway Woes

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Ellie's POV

"Have a good day, baby girl," Taylor says as he kisses me goodbye.

Once Gabby, Nolan, and I are in my car, I leave for the school. Everything is going as normal: Nolan is ignoring Gabby in the back seat, and Gabby is looking over notes.

Suddenly my car starts making an awful noise.

"What's that?" Nolan asks, his voice laced with anxiety.

"I have no idea," I say as I grip the wheel and force the car over to the side. I get the car parked, and smoke is coming from the engine.


"What did you do to it?" Nolan asks as he unbuckles and turns off my car, taking the keys.

"Why do you assume I did something?" I snap as I take a deep breath.

"Sorry. Give me your phone and I'll call dad," he says calmly.

I start to wonder why he asked me instead of using his own, when I remember that he's lost his for another week.

"No, we're gonna be late. We're only a mile from the school. Let's just walk, and I'll call him when we get there."

"He's gonna be mad if you don't call him now."

"Get your stuff and let's go," I say with an attitude.

Gabby and Nolan grab their stuff, and we start walking. I hear Nolan locking my door with the keys.

I'm so thankful it's unseasonably warm today. It's only March, but this morning it's already pushing 65. It's supposed to be a gorgeous day.

Gorgeous weather wise, maybe, but this day is lookin' to be ugly!

I can tell that Gabby is struggling with her bag, and before I can offer to take it, Nolan silently takes the strap off of her shoulder and puts it on his free one.

A catch forms in my throat. Such a beautiful human he's becoming.

We continue walking, and I can see the school in the distance. I look at my watch, and we're going to be late if we don't hurry.

"Come on guys, we have five minutes," I say as I pick up the pace.

By the time we finally get to the school, poor Nolan is having a hard time. He's acting fine, but I can tell he's hurting—The book bags are getting heavy and he's getting winded.

He hands Gabby back her bag without looking at her.

"Thanks Nolan," she says as she adjusts it on her shoulders.

"Welcome," he says as he goes to his first class.

"Have a good day, Gabby," I say with a smile.

"Why doesn't he like me?" She asks.

"I think he's still frustrated about you hitting him."

"But I've apologized like ten times."

"Give it time, sweetie."

She rolls her eyes and waves to me as she heads to her first class.

"Woah! Why do you look so weird?" Lance asks as he comes up behind me.

"Well that's not very nice, boss."

"Your face is like wind-burned or something, and your hair is a mess," he says as he tries to tame some of the crazy with his hand.

"My car broke down a mile from here, so the kids and I walked."

"Why the hell didn't you call me? I would've came and picked you up!!!"

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