~88~ Tough Pill To Swallow

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Luke's POV

It's been a week since dad came back. It's actually been awful. I've been avoiding him and he's been trying to make amends. Shay and I found an apartment, and we get the keys in a week. I haven't told mom yet, and I'm nervous.

I keep thinking about the moment mom and dad came home, and feeling so conflicted. I'm not mad at mom. Not even a little bit...But I just can't live with dad anymore.

We just don't click.

One week ago

I'm downstairs with Shay and Nolan, playing a game on the switch.

"When will they be home?" Nolan asks for the tenth time in an hour.

"Anytime," I say as I knock his character off the track in our Mario Kart battle.

When we hear the door open, we all stand up and go over. Nolan rushes mom, and hugs her tight.

"You're here!" He says, tears thick in his voice.

"Hi baby boy," she says softly as she rubs his back and kisses his cheek. "I've missed you."

"Me too," he nods as he discreetly wipes a tear.

When mom sees me, she grins. "How could you possibly look more handsome in a week?" She smiles as she comes over and hugs me tight. "Sorry I lost my mind that day, Darlin'," she whispers.

I shake my head and hug her for a long minute. I'm just so glad she's safe. Although I'm pissed at dad, all of those emotions are the least of my worries right this second. My mom is home, and that psycho is in Hell where he belongs. She will never be haunted by him again.

"You ok?" I ask as I pull away and look at her hard.

She looks fine. No way in hell this didn't set her back. It's sure given me PTSD flashbacks. All I've been seeing for a week is my mom half naked on the floor, lying in a pool of her blood, completely unconscious.

It's haunting me

"I'm good, baby. I'm just so glad to be home."

I nod and grin, trying to act fine. I don't want her to see how not ok I am. She's been through enough.

"Luke, you ready to talk yet?" Dad asks softly, as if he were approaching an animal about to strike.

"Nope," I say as I turn and go into the kitchen.

I hear dad sigh and say something to Shay.

"I want to go and thank Mason real quick. The ocean view room is the only thing that got me through. Can we go?" I hear mom ask dad.

"Let's do it," he says as they walk to the front door.

Once they're gone, I see Shay staring at me. "He's really sorry, Luke."

I just shrug as I take a drink of Pepsi. I don't care. He's not sorry he did it. He would have done it again, and that's bullshit.

After a while, mom and dad come back. Mom comes in the kitchen, and kisses my cheek. "Hungry?"

I roll my eyes. "Mom, you just got home. You don't need to feed me."

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now