~132~ Chex Mix

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Gabby's POV

I'm eating Chex Mix with Zoe, savoring it. This isn't even out of the box...Sarah baked it with so much butter, I think I'm in heaven. I wish mom would cook like a normal person, cause I think I'm deprived.

I'm taking a swig of my soda when Jake comes in. I go to grab some more Chex Mix, when I notice it's not just him—Taylor and Nolan are also here.

Great. This is so embarrassing.

Taylor comes right over and grabs my buttery hand, pulling me up and hugging me crazy tight. "I'm so sorry I thought the worst, and didn't truly get your side. I never did that with my kids, and for whatever reason, I thought I could do it with you. That was a hard and fast rule in our home, and I just broke it. Please forgive me."

I nod in his chest, because he's still crushing me with his hug.

He kisses my cheek when he pulls away, and looks at me hard. "Are you ok?"


"Man I feel so bad. I'm so sorry."

"It's fine"

He shakes his head. "It's not fine at all."

It's awkward for a moment, when I hear Nolan start talking.

"How long did you know she was bullying her for?"

When I look at Nolan, he looks funny. Like he's been crying or something.

"Just today"

He turns and looks at Zoe. "I'm so sorry, Zoe—I just broke up with her. I'll make sure to keep my eyes out...She won't bully you anymore."

Taylor nods. "Considering Gabby just ruined her nose, she'll probably be too scared to."

Nolan turns back to me. "Please forgive me....I just.....Normally......" he shakes his head and starts over.

"I'm sorry, Gabby. I won't do it again."

"Date horrible girls?" I smirk.

Nolan gives me a half-hearted smile. "I sure hope not....But I promise I'll give you the benefit of the doubt if you ever decide to break someone else's face."

Despite myself, I chuckle.

He walks over and hugs me. "I'm sorry"

"It's fine"

He lets go and looks at Zoe. "How often has she done that to you?"

She shrugs. "That's the first time she's tripped me."

"But made fun of you?"

She shrugs again. "Wasn't the first time."

"Then why wouldn't you tell me? We hang out almost every single day."

"I don't know," she says, picking at the Chex Mix.

"You can't do that. The four of us...We have to have each other's backs. Always. If you can't tell me I'm dating a witch, then that's a problem. You have to tell me from now on."

I roll my eyes. "You're one to talk."

"What?" He asks, turning his attention back to me.

"I didn't even know you were dating her. You kept it from me...Kinda being a hypocrite."

He nods. "Yeah, I am—I'm sorry. I'll tell you from now on."

I go back over to the counter and eat some more. Zoe's gonna finish it off and imma cry. There are NO snacks like this at home.

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