~72~ The Walk

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Ellie's POV

Charlotte has been in the hospital for a week, and she's THRIVING! This is the first time since we found out about her heart condition that we've been able to take a breath.

Nora and Liam haven't left the hospital, and they're so, incredibly tired. We were all exhausted after camping, and then we went straight from that to this.

They are releasing Charlotte tomorrow, and we're all beyond excited. She will have to be on medication for the rest of her life, but it's SO much better than the alternative. She doesn't even need to be on oxygen anymore. For the first time in her short life, she will be wire and tube free!!!!

We can't even fathom that right now, but we're anxiously waiting to have our girl home, with her beautiful new heart.

Nolan has been distant this week, spending as much time as he can over at Jake's. Taylor is getting absolutely sick of it, but I'm not. He's allowed to feel how he feels, and I'm allowed to feel how I do. I don't think I did anything wrong, and he does. It is what it is right now.

Jaxson, Lizzie, and Savannah are over at our house tonight. Alex and I have been switching off, and tonight is our night. Lizzie has been an absolute crab. She just wants her sister so badly. I can't even think about how bad it woulda been if Charlotte hadn't made it.

"Sav, can you go clean your room, please? You've only been here three days, but you've trashed it," I say as I finish changing Lizzie's diaper.

"I will in a bit."

"I'm sorry?" I ask, picking Lizzie up and putting her on my hip, grabbing the diaper and throwing it in the garbage.

"I'm in the middle of this movie. I will when I'm done."

I chuckle dryly and stand in front of the movie she and Nolan are watching.

"I know you give your mom a hard time, but I'm NOT afraid of you. When I ask you to do something, you say 'yes ma'am' and do it. Now, go up to your room and clean it now, or I'll get my paddle."

"You don't need to threaten me, grandma. I'm not saying I won't, I'm saying I will later."

"K. Well, I'm going to start counting. When I get to three, I get my paddle. Got me?"

Nolan looks at Savannah, and rolls his eyes. "Not smart, Savvy. You know as well as I do how much it hurts," he says quietly, hoping I won't hear.

I heard


She sighs and shakes her head.


"Fine," she says as she slams the remote on the couch and goes past me quickly, going up the stairs.

"It better be perfect, young lady. This is your only warning," I yell after her.

Once she's upstairs, I look at Nolan.

"I haven't checked your room yet. Is it clean?"

"Probably not as clean as you want it to be," he says, trying his best to keep his voice attitude-free.

"Then go get it to my standards, please."

He quickly gets up and does what I say.

Sometimes I wish he would throw a fit, and then I wouldn't always feel so guilty when I really do need to punish him.

However, I always seem to feel like a chump.

When the two finally come down, they sit back on the couch and continue watching their movie.

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