~111~ Drunk Raccoon

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Liam's POV

I go up the stairs, dreading what's going to happen. I'm dreading it hard.

When I go in, Savannah is laying on her stomach, scrolling through Instagram. When she sees me, she immediately puts her phone down.

I sit on the edge of the bed, and look at her hard for a minute.

"Let me see it," I finally say.

She sits up and lifts up her shirt, and I really look at the tattoo this time. It actually looks really cool. It even has two tiny pink roses at the beginning and end of the saying.

"What are the roses for?" I finally ask.

"You and mom."

"Which mom?"


I look at her, and a tiny bit of anger is leaving...Just a tiny bit.

"The tattoo is beautiful, kid. Did it hurt?"

"Not as much as the spanking I'm gonna get I'm sure," she mumbles.

"Did the tattoo hurt?" I ask again.

She nods. "It was on the ribs. It hurt bad."

"Anyone there to hold your hand?"


I nod as I take a deep breath. "I wanted to have been there to hold your hand."


"If you would've asked me, I would've thought about it, and then let you. My feelings are really hurt that I couldn't have been there."

"You would have let me?"

"One tattoo to honor your mom? Yeah Savannah, I would have. Would I let you get anymore? No. Not until you're an adult. This was a permanent decision—One you made without me. I don't like it."

She nods as she looks at me. "I love this tattoo so much. Please don't be mad at me."

"I'm devastated"


I start to get choked up, and have to close my eyes and shake my head. I'm such a sap, all the time.

"You loved something, and you were too afraid to tell me. Have I been that unapproachable? Given you the impression that you can't come to me?"

"No," she says as she shakes her head and wipes tears that are starting to fall.

"Then why couldn't you have told me about it?"

"I never thought you would let me do it."

"So you go behind my back and do it anyways?"

A single sniff is the only response I get.

I blow out a big breath. "You want the bad news before or after I spank the daylights outta ya?"



She nods as she starts to go over my lap.


She stops and looks at me, tilting her head.

"I'm kinda, sorta, breaking Grandma Ellie's rule.....kinda.....change into your bottoms of your swimsuit."

"What?!?" She asks in horror.

"I won't do it bare, but girly............. you don't have any short shorts like Sasha used to have.....put that swim suit back on."

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