~12~ Watch

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Ellie's POV

The boys are completely silent as we all walk upstairs. The men are quiet too. Neither of them like the paddle at all.

When we get in my room, Alex shuts the door and I head to the closet. Once I get Woody, I silently hand it to Mason.

He takes it, stares at it for a minute, and then looks at me.

"I don't know how hard to do this," he says with fear in his voice.

"You use the belt on him?" I ask

He simply nods

"Don't swing as hard. I'll let you know after the first one if you are ok or not."

Mason takes a deep breath and nods again.

"You want one of them to go back downstairs first?" I ask.

Alex shakes his head. "Unless Mason disagrees, I want them to watch each other get paddled. They were both apart of this, they should watch each other be punished."

"I'm good with it, Mason nods.

"You sure, Alex? Taylor and I did that with Liam and his friend once, and we have regretted it ever since," I say.

He shrugs. "I'm sure. This is more than them getting drunk together on the beach. Ellie, this is bad. I don't care who goes first, but the other one is watching the entire time. If either of you look away, then I'll spank you with my hand after the paddling. If you don't agree with that Mason, let me know."

"I agree"

"Do you boys understand the rules?"

They both just look at Alex silently.

"Ok, I'll recap....when you're not getting paddled, you're watching the other one. I'm talking, eyes on them the entire time. If I catch you looking at the ground, or not at them, I won't say a word... I'll just silently put you over my lap at the end. This is your only warning."

They both nod, still saying nothing.

"Who's first?" Alex asks after a minute of silence.

"Dylan. Incase I do it too hard, I'd rather it be my brother over your son," Mason says, scared out of his wits.

"Wouldn't bother me," Alex shrugs. He's so mad, I'm glad he's not the one punishing right now. Hopefully the boys listen, so Alex won't have to make good on his threat.

"Let's go, Dylan," Mason says in an authoritative tone. I've never seen him like this before. The Mason who first punished the kids and the Mason now are vastly different.

Dylan doesn't even argue. He knows nothing he does will help the situation. He silently goes over and puts his stomach on the bed and puts his head in his arms.

Mason walks over and I can tell he's nervous. He silently stands to the left side of Dylan, puts his left arm on Dylan's lower back, and lifts Woody up high. He crashes the paddle into Dylan's backside, immediately making Colton flinch and Dylan hiss in pain.

Mason looks at me. "Too hard?"

"Nope. That was perfect," I smile, reassuring him. I don't need to be here, but I think he just wants the support. He's got it, he's always got it.

I look over and see Colton's eyes fill with tears.
Not only is he nervous for himself, it's hard watching your friend get it. Alex saw a lot of my spankings. I saw hundreds of Alex's beatings.

Alex is only looking at Colton, making sure that his eyes don't deviate from Dylan. I can tell by his posture that Alex will make REAL good on his threat. I truly hope that Colton doesn't look down.

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