~27~ Mini Golf

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Gabby's POV

Alex picks me up from school, and I just look out the window. I don't even acknowledge him even when he says hi.

"We have to drop your brother off at therapy and then I thought we could get some ice cream and go mini golfing while we wait for him to get done."

"He's not my brother," I snap as I keep looking out the window.

Alex says nothing as we continue to wait for Colton. I swear he's being slow on purpose.

After twenty minutes, Alex is getting mad. He gets on his phone.

"Hey Dylan. Is Colton with you?.....Tell him he's got five minutes to get his butt out of the school and into my car, or he's going to be real embarrassed......thanks."

A few minutes later, Colton comes to the car.

"Don't you EVER do that again. Now you're going to be late to therapy."

"That sucks," Colton says.

Alex turns around in his seat. "Why are you trying so hard to make me put you in that program, Colton? It's the last thing I want to do. Why are you trying to back me into a corner?"

"Do whatever you want, dad. Six weeks away from you might do me some good."

"Maybe it would," he says sadly as he pulls out of the school parking lot.

Alex drops Colton off and then we go get ice cream. He orders us both ice cream cones, and we sit on the bench by the water.

"Did you have a good day?"



"Because I hate it here"

"Sorry, Gabby. How did your math test go?"

"Don't feeling like chit chatting there, Alex."

He says nothing else as we eat our ice cream in silence.

After we are done, we head to the mini golf place. I've never been before. I don't even know how to play.

We get our stuff and start hitting our balls. This game is stupid.

After my third attempt to get my ball in the hole, it lands in the water. Alex chuckles as he fishes it out.

I suddenly notice some girls staring at me. They are laughing at how much I suck.

"What are you three b****** looking at?" I snap as I throw my club down and walk over there.

"Gabrielle Avery, get your ass back here," Alex snaps as he follows me quickly. He's not quick enough, though.

I reach the ditzy blonde on the left first, and she's the one I hit. I hit her hard, and her mouth is immediately bloody.

She actually starts crying. What a princess.

Alex grabs me roughly by both shoulders and pushes me so I'm sitting on the sidewalk. Then he goes up to the wailing blonde.

He helps her go inside the place, and is in with her for a while. Then he comes back out.

"Let's go, young lady," he snaps as he grabs my arm. Well, I stomp on his foot, and he immediately lets me go.

"Thought I told you that I don't like to be touched," I snap at him.

He bends down so he's eye level with me, and stares at me hard. "Get. In. The. Car."

"What's the magic word?" I say with a sweet smile and lots of snark.

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