~140~ Arm's Length

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Ellie's POV

"Guys, don't be mad," Justin says the next day when we're about ready to go do a few things together.

"What did you do now?" Jake asks.

He blows out a big breath. "I completely forgot I made a commitment with a few people tonight."

I stop putting on my shoes and stare at him. "You're seriously ditching us? This is the last night to do anything, before Jake gets Raya."

Justin starts walking over to me. "Don't be mad. I made these plans with them a long time ago, and forgot."

"If you forgot, they must not be that important."

"I'm sorry. I'll be back by 10."

Jake says nothing, and I nod as I continue putting on my shoes.

"What are you doing?" Justin asks.

"Getting ready."

"For what?"

"To go out," I say as I stand up and stare at him.

"Ok, this is awkward. I wasn't inviting you to come."

I smirk and look down at my shoes for a moment, before turning my gaze back to Justin.

"You really thought Jake and I were just going to sit around your apartment all night and pout because you ditched us? We had plans to do stuff, and Jake and I are still going to do them. Whether you come or not is irrelevant."

I can tell instantly that I hurt his feelings.

"Have a good night," he says quietly as he leaves. When I look at Jake, he gives me a sad smile. "Arm's length, Eleanor."

"I don't know if I even want to be arm's length anymore," I say as I walk towards the door.

Jake nods as he follows me, and the two of us have the best night ever....Just the two of us, the way it's been for over 20 years.


The next day, I can tell Jake is nervous. Raya wanted one day to pack and say goodbye, and then she's hanging out with us all day today. We leave tomorrow.

Jake and I met with Nancy yesterday, and took care of a bunch of paperwork. The adoption process will take a while, but for now everything is taken care of.

"Morning," Justin says when he wakes up.

I continue eating my cereal, feeling annoyed.

"Have a good night?" He asks once I don't acknowledge him.

"Yup," I say, staring hard at my cereal. I find my Lucky Charms to be amusing today.

"What did you guys do?"

"Stuff, Justin."

"Why are you so mad?" He snaps as he slams his orange juice down on the counter.

"I'm not going to rehash our entire night with you."

He rolls his eyes as he pours himself a drink and puts the juice away. We say nothing else to each other until Jake comes out of him room.

"Woah it's icy in here this morning," Jake says as he sits next to me and gets a bowl for himself. "Damn this stuff is sugary," he grimaces once he takes his first bite.

"You mean delicious?" I smirk.

"You guys wanna go do something for a bit?" Justin asks.

Jake shakes his head. "Nancy and Raya will be here soon."

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