~90~ They Will Fall Or Soar

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Ellie's POV

It's been a month, and Luke hasn't come around at all. I've talked to him quite a bit, but the last week or so, he's been acting weird...I've invited them to dinner several times, and he's said they were too busy.

I'm trying not to let it get to me. I did nothing wrong, yet I can't see my son? I'm about out of patience and understanding.

What got to me the hardest was last night at dinner. We invited all of our kids and spouses/significant others over. Everyone came but Luke and Shay.

Even though dinner was loud and fun and crazy, there were still two empty seats. My boy and his girl, my girl, are missing, and it's a huge gaping hole.

At least I get to see him on the days he's student teaching, but I'm getting so agitated with him that I'm liable to smack him. He's hurting his dad, he's hurting me, and he just doesn't seem to care.

The first week they were gone, I cleaned that entire apartment spotless. I also repainted, while Taylor and Wes put up some new trim. I was just sure that they would be back. Once Luke got away for a bit, I was completely positive he would be back.


So, here we sit, just me, Taylor, and Nolan in the huge house.

It's lonely

I'm at work, and I decide to roam the halls; I'm needing to stretch my legs. As I'm walking, I run into Luke. He doesn't look right at all. He looks tired, and upset.

"You ok, darling?"

He looks at me funny, like he wants to say something. Then suddenly his phone goes off. He immediately goes rigid, as he stares at his phone in horror for a moment.

"I have to take this," he says as he leaves and answers his phone quickly. I stand there, fighting my tears. Now he won't even talk to me? What on earth is going on with him?

I continue my walk, when I see Josie and Aiden in the corner of the hall, making out.

"Shouldn't you be in class, Jos?" I ask softly.

She jumps, and wipes her mouth quickly, while Aiden gives me the glare of death.

"Please don't tell Mason, Ellie. Please? Otherwise I'm never gonna get ungrounded."

I look at her hard for a minute. You know how many times Alex and I skipped class to make out? Honestly? Probably more than we were actually in class.

"Get to class now," I say with a stern voice.

"Yes ma'am," she says as she squeezes Aiden's hand and smiles at him softly. Then she leaves quickly.

Aiden just stands there and looks at me for a minute.

"Do you not have class?" I ask, crossing my arms

"I do"

"Then how's about you hop to it."

He smirks a little and bites his bottom lip.

"How are you guys related?"


"Just wondering if she got her looks from you."

Ok...this kid is now on my shit list. I'm so much older than him, I could be his grandma. Ick!

"Get to class, now."

"Yes ma'am," he grins as he saunters off.

After a few minutes, I make my way up to Mason's room. I stand outside until he sees me, and then he comes out and shuts the door.

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