~10~ In Deep

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Ellie's POV

I'm on my computer for a few minutes when I decide to call Alex.

"Hey El"

"Can you come to the school please?"

"Uh, is it an emergency? I'm about to make an arrest."

I chuckle. "Make your arrest and then get over here. I think I know what's going on with Colton."

"Nope. That's priority. Wallace can take my place. Be there in 20."

He will literally drop anything for his family. He's such a good man.

Then I call Mason's room.

"Mason," he answers.

"Hey, it's Ellie. This is last period, right?"

"Yeah, thank goodness. It's been a long day."

"It's about to get even longer. Can you come to my office after school?"

"Yeah. What's wrong?"

"I think I know what your 17 year old is doing."

"Yeah. I'll be there in about 20."

"K," I say as I hang up.

Alex, Mason, and Nolan all walk into my office at the same time.

"Hey buddy," I say, kissing Nolan's cheek.

"Dad is coming in a minute to take you home."


"Because I'm doing something with Alex and Mason for a while."

"Why can't I be there?"

"Because I said so, Nolan."

"Mom, come on. This isn't fair."

I sigh as I look at Mason. "Can you shut my door, please?"

Mason shuts the door and I grab Nolan by the arm and bring him closer to me.

"Young man, I'm tired of this. You are the kid, I'm the parent. When I tell you something, you listen and obey. This happens again, I will introduce you to my paddle, hear me? This is your final chance."

I see both Alex and Mason smirking. I'm usually pretty easy going with Nolan. I very rarely even scold him, let alone threaten to spank him.

Nolan looks at me hard, and sighs. Taylor opens the door and walks in.

"Is he in trouble?" He asks once he sees our faces.

"Not yet. He keeps it up, I'm going to paddle him."

"Ouch. You don't want it, kid. Whatever you're doing, my advice is to quit."

"Mine too," Mason mutters.

We all laugh. We're never going to NOT hear about Mason's introduction to Woody. That story will live on forever.

"Wanna' go to the movies?" Taylor asks, kissing Nolan's head.

"You trying to bribe me to let it go?"

"Nope. I have no problem if you meet Woody. I just want to go to the movies."

"If those are my only two options, I'll pick the movies. I want both popcorn and nachos."

"Works for me," he smirks as he winks at me and the two leave.

Once they leave and shut the door, I look at both men. They are both nervous, and dreading what I discovered.

"Just say it, Ellie," Alex says in a stressed and clipped tone.

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