~117~ Morning Crazy

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Ellie's POV

When I get up and ready the next morning, Justin is already downstairs, drinking coffee.

"You're up early," I smile at him as I get myself an orange and start peeling it.

He shrugs. "Didn't sleep much."

"Sorry, that room can get drafty. I'll get you more blankets for tonight."

He shakes his head. "I wasn't cold."

"Are you ok?"

He looks at me and his eyes fill with tears. I swear hell is a bit chilly this morning. It'd have to be if my brother is looking like he could cry.

"Every time I come here, it slays me a bit."


He simply shakes his head as he takes another drink of his coffee.

Taylor walks downstairs, and he kisses me. "Morning darling."

"Morning. Everything ready?" I ask as I pour him some coffee.

I hand him the mug and he takes a sip, nodding.

"You working today?" Justin asks Taylor.

Taylor shakes his head. "Nah. Shay has chemo today, so I'm taking her."

"Luke isn't?"

"No. I usually take her, and then he stays home the next day with her."

"Why's that?" Justin asks as he takes an apple out of the fruit bowl and takes a bite.

"She's always sicker the day after."

Nolan comes down the stairs, and doesn't look at Justin at all. "Morning," he says as he gives me a hug.

"Morning handsome. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Any leftover sandwiches?" He grins.

I roll my eyes. "That's not breakfast, weirdo."

"Neither is soda, momma."

I see Justin smirk as he takes another bite of his apple.

"Hurry and eat, smarty-pants. I need to get to work a little early today."

"Do you have Shay's blanket?" Nolan asks Taylor.

Nolan knows that Shay has a certain blanket she likes to take when she's getting chemo....Nolan is always making sure we don't drop the ball on anything involving Shay—It's precious.

Taylor smiles and kisses his head. "She should be bringing it down with her. If not, I'll go and grab it."

"I've got it," Shay says as she comes into the kitchen. Justin looks at her, and his eyes get wide as he looks away quickly.

Shay is exactly how you would envision a cancer patient. She looks sick and frail. She's wearing her head scarf, and she's got on a sweatshirt that used to fit her perfectly—Now it's hanging off of her loosely.

Taylor smirks at her and kisses her scarf. "You get to spend the whole day with me, huh?"

"You get to watch me puke my guts out all day, you mean."

"What movie we watching?" Taylor asks, ignoring her comment. He fully knows what this afternoon will entail. He's such a good man

"It's your turn to pick," she smiles as she gets a water bottle out and takes a sip.

He fist pumps. "Rocky it is!"

Luke comes into the kitchen and rolls his eyes. "Don't make my woman watch Rocky," he mutters as he goes straight to the medicine cabinet and downs a couple aspirin.

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