~57~ Guilty Conscience

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Zoe's POV

Gabby and I swam for a couple hours, having SO MUCH FUN! When we came back I was a little nervous I had been caught, but thankfully mom and dad were both still sleeping.

I changed out of my wet suit and hid it at the bottom of my suitcase so they wouldn't see it in the tub in the morning.

Then I climb in bed next to mom and snuggle in, feeling so much less stressed about tomorrow. Gabby sure knows how to help me unwind. I fall asleep listening to dad snore gently and feeling mom's arms wrapped around me. I feel so cozy and snug, with my whole family sleeping in the same room as me.

The next morning dad lightly shakes me awake.

"Time to get up, Zo. The competition starts in an hour."

I open my eyes and see dad smiling at me. He has no idea that I snuck out last night. I'm suddenly feeling a pit in my stomach for deceiving him.

I get up and get ready, and Mom, Dad, and Ethan walk with me to the room this is being held in.

This thing is televised, so there are cameras everywhere. I'm suddenly regretting doing this project. I have stage fright something awful.

Dad can somehow tell, and he pulls me to a corner and kisses my cheek. "You're a Freeman now, Zoe Michelle, and there is NOTHING us Freeman's can't do. Hear me young lady?"

I nod. "Yes sir"

He kisses me again and I go to meet Maxwell. The day flies by, and we are wowing people with Chucky. We worked out all of the kinks, and this beautiful robot is kicking this competition's butt. I'm suddenly feeling super thankful that I'm here...Thankful that dad trusted me enough to do this.

Dad trusted me

The thought of that brings a lump to my throat and tears to my eyes.

Once the day is over, dad hugs me tight. "I couldn't be prouder of you young lady. No matter if you win or lose, you and Maxwell did fantastic. I hope you're proud of yourselves."

I nod. "I am"

That night I'm quiet, and mom and dad can tell.
They don't say anything about it though. They must just figure I'm nervous about tomorrow.

It's about ten o'clock and Dad shuts the TV off and smiles at me. "Mom will probably borrow Woody from Aunt Ellie when she finds out, but she's sleeping and I feel like being a rebel. How about you, me, and Ethan sneak down and go swimming for a bit?"

The pit in my stomach gets deeper.

"I just wanna go to sleep."

"You sure?" He asks, completely shocked. He knows how much I love swimming.

"Yeah I say as I climb in bed and close my eyes. Dad kisses my head and covers me up.

"Wanna go, Ethan?"

"Yeah!" He says as he rushes to the bathroom to get dressed.

Once they leave I cry myself to sleep. I just feel so guilty for last night. I wish I could take it back.

The next morning I feel like throwing up. I'm quiet as we get ready for the award ceremony. Once we are there and sitting, I have an overwhelming need to tell my dad what I did. I can't enjoy this until dad knows how badly I screwed up.

I stand up and smile at Maxwell. "I'll be back"

He nods, looking at me like I'm crazy.

I find dad in the bleachers with the whole family.

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