~199~ Magical

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Ellie's POV

"Taylor, look," I say as I hand him a picture I found in a file I was going through.

"Whatcha got, Ellie Jane?" He asks as he takes it. Once he looks at it, his grin takes up his handsome face.

"Ahh—Another lifetime ago."

I hug his waist, and stare at the picture with him: We're both in our early thirties, and completely happy.

It was the first night we spent in our brand new home.


"Man this girl is being cranky—Maybe we shouldn't move in today after all," I say as Sasha is screaming in the backseat of the car.

"Mom, come on! You finally got back from your honeymoon, and I'm dying to see my new room again. This little pipsqueak can't be so bossy all the time, and she needs to learn it now," Liam grumbles from the backseat as he takes her tiny little hand and kisses it.

"Which room you decide on?" Taylor asks as he looks in the rearview mirror at Liam.

"The biggest one," he grins.

Taylor laughs and rolls his eyes. "How'd I figure that?"

We get to the new house, and I just stare at it. "Welcome home, baby," he whispers as we walk in.

The kitchen has been completely renovated, as well as several updates made to the rest of the house.

Liam, Alex, Wes, and Taylor spend all day moving the furniture in, and Megan, Lilah, and I take care of Sasha and unpack the kitchen.

This is the biggest kitchen I've ever had

The men bring more boxes in, and Megan stops Taylor. "You two pause for just a second and take a picture. You're gonna want it one day."

Taylor smirks and pulls me in, and we smile at the camera Megan is holding. She takes our picture, and nods. "Thank you—Continue with your busy."

By the time everyone leaves for the night, I'm tired and Sasha is already asleep in her crib.

"Alright, I'm leaving," Liam says as he gets his book bag and kisses me.

"You're not staying tonight?"

He shakes his head. "I have a late class, so I'm just gonna crash at dad's after so I don't wake Sasha up. Love you."

"Love you too buddy," I say as I kiss him.

Once he's gone, Taylor sighs. "I'm bummed. I was hoping he'd be here with us our first night."

"Me too," I say as I hug him and look into his handsome eyes.

"We own a home, Ellie Jane."

I nod. "My dream home."

"Wanna see if the fireplace works?" He grins.

I nod, excited. It's only September, but the air is a little chilly tonight.

Taylor puts wood in the fireplace, and gets it lit. Then he pulls me down to him, and together we stare at the flickering flames.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now