~83~ I Ain't Afraid Of Ghosts

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Possible Trigger Warning

Proceed with caution ❤️❤️

Taylor's POV

Jake and I have been walking around for about an hour; We're not close to Ellie's hotel.

You ever feel like you have a huge decision on your shoulders, but you can't decide what the right answer is?

That's how I'm feeling right now: Go to Ellie or stay away?

Every fiber of my being is telling me to go to my girl and keep her safe. Problem is, Wes can keep her just as safe as I could...Justin is added security.

It's not about her safety, it's about her mental health.  She was in therapy for two years after Ben. If she has to see him again, and then see me kill him...

I'm just really afraid of what it would do to her.

"Taylor, we're wasting our time and energy. You know how big this state is? We don't even know if he's made it to California."

I shake my head as I sit down on the curb of the sidewalk. I'm missing something...Again.

"He has to have a plan. He wouldn't just be wandering around either," I sigh.

Jake nods and sits next to me, trying to be logical instead of irrational, like we have been.

"Ok, let's think about something for a minute..." Jake finally says.

I simply nod

"How did he even know where she was?"

I'm quiet for a minute as I try to sort my swirling thoughts. Finally I shrug. "He must have still been following her somehow when we took her to the airport. Alex and his men were looking for a man on foot. They never looked for him in a vehicle that was registered to a woman."

Jake nods. "So he followed them to the airport, and then what? Flights go in and out of there all the time."

I shake my head. "It's easy to find flights. All he had to do was see what fights were available for the time of day she was there."

We're silent for another minute, when we both look at each other. "JUSTIN!" We say at the same time.

We both get up and rush to our car.

Of course! He thinks she's with Justin...At his condo. We had told Justin to leave his car at his house, just in case. I bet you money he's sitting outside of Justin's condo, trying to figure out his plan.

"What if he saw Justin get in the Uber?" Jake asks once we finally get in the car and rush to his house.

"Then we're completely and utterly screwed."

"Should we call Alex?" Jake asks, buckling his belt quickly, because I'm driving completely crazy.

"Well...We SHOULD call him..."

Jake shakes his head. "Taylor, come on. We both have kids at home."

I sigh. "You can call him. Give me five minutes before you do, though. We don't even know if he's there."

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