~171~ Private Dylan M. West

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Josie's POV

When the plane lands and we all get to the hotel, I'm crazy excited—We're twenty minutes away from where Dylan is.

Tomorrow SERIOUSLY can't come quick enough.

I'm a little annoyed, though, because we have an adjoining room with Liam's family—It's actually more like a suite. We have different bedrooms, but the same living room.

My brother and Liam, plus two young boys, plus two twin toddlers—Somebody shoot me.

The ONLY good thing is that Savvy will be with them too.

We get in, and Liam grabs Jaxson's hand.

"Excuse me, BFF. We'll begin our shenanigans after I take off my dad hat," he grumbles as he drags an already crying Jaxson to their bedroom and shuts the door.

"I don't want spanked!" I hear him wail.

"Young man—I'm talking, you're listening," I hear Liam snap.

Mason chuckles at Sasha. "It's so weird to hear him so stern," he whispers.

Drew comes up to me and gives me a tight hug. "I don't like that he's getting spanked," he says into my stomach.

I hold him against me and run my fingers through his hair; He flinches when the spanking starts. Every time Jax cries out, Drew cries too.

"Make him stop, Josie," he begs, his voice muffled by my stomach.

Mason comes over and scoops Drew up, cradling his little head on Mason's shoulder. "He's ok—What he did was very dangerous, and Uncle Liam is just making sure that he remembers to never do it again."

"But he's crying," Drew sobs into his dad's shoulder.

"Don't you cry when you get spanked?" He asks as he pats his bottom gently.

"Yeah....But this hurts worse."

Mason kisses Drew's cheek, and we all wait for the spanking to be over. When it finally is, they come out a little later. Jaxson is red faced with puffy-eyes as he wipes his nose on his sleeve.

Liam takes him to a corner and puts him there, speaking to him for another minute in hushed tones. When he comes over, he rolls his eyes.

"Savvy, did you guys hear everything?" He asks.


Liam nods. "Just remember that then, so I don't have to do that with you."

"You don't need to threaten me dad," she hisses.

He points to himself innocently. "It wasn't a threat. I was just making a suggestion to my beautiful daughter."

"HEY!" Charlie says as she crosses her arms.

"What'd I do?" Liam asks.

"You said I was beautiful!"

Liam laughs as he picks her up and kisses her. "All of my girls are beautiful," he says as he kisses her again.

"Even mommy?"

"Especially Mommy!" He smirks at Nora.

"How 'bout Josie?"

"Beautiful," he grins, looking at me.



"How 'bout......"

"Charlotte, all the woman in this family make us men have complexes. Go play with the barbies you and Lizzie brought," he says as he puts her down.

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