~43~ Arrangements

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Ellie's POV

We go through the terminal and look around, seeing Justin. He's sitting in a chair, staring at the floor. He doesn't even look up when we walk over to him.

Without looking at us, he sighs. "I feel like shit. I better not hear a single word from either of you about it today. Lay into me tomorrow," he says as he finally looks at us.

His eyes are puffy, and filling with tears again.

I roll my eyes and sigh. I'm beyond pissed at him, but I'll put it aside for today. Just today.

I silently bend down and hug him.

He hugs me back and buries his face in my shoulder.

When he finally stands up and looks at Jake, Jake just shakes his head.


Justin nods and we walk silently out of the airport.

We get in his fancy sports car, and I get shoved to the back. If I wasn't so completely devastated, I'd be complaining. My legs are so cramped, I'm getting a Charlie-horse in my ass.

We drive in silence for a long time, when Justin finally speaks.

"Nolan ok?"

"He's fine"

"I didn't know he was allergic to shellfish," he says, fighting tears again. I'm glad this is eating him up. It should be.

"You're not going say anything?" He asks after I stay silent.

"You asked me to wait until tomorrow to lay into you."

He just nods, driving the rest of the way in silence.

"What's first?" I finally ask as we pull into his complex.

"Figured you guys would need a few minutes to freshen up. We have to be at the funeral home in half an hour.

"When did you see him last?" Jake finally asks as we're walking to his apartment.

"Last night."

"Did you know he was about to die?"

Justin silently nods.

"I hate you so damn much," Jake spits.

"Not today, Jake," Justin says, fighting tears.

"No? Ok, how about this...You tell me when I can let you know how big of a piece of shit you are."

Justin ignores him as he unlocks the door.

"I was hoping you guys would stay here, and not get hotel rooms. I really don't want to be alone."

"Should have thought about that before you made him die alone," Jake hisses.

"Enough, Jake," I say, squeezing his hand.

"Don't EVEN tell me your damn empathy is kicking in right now," Jake spits.

I just look at him. Jake sighs and shakes his head angrily. "Fine, but let's you and I get one thing straight," he says, pointing his finger in Justin's face.

"I'm not doing it for you. I'm doing it for her, because I know her, and I know that she still loves you even though you're evil. It pisses me off how kind she is. I'm telling you right now, tomorrow I'm going to tell you exactly what I think of you. After we put dad in the ground, I'm leaving, and you and I will never talk to each other again. If she wants to have you come to her home, that's her call...I will keep my distance from you until you leave," he says as he walks down the hall and slams the door.

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