~96~Packs A Punch

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Liam's POV

Mom has been working us like dogs....Luke is getting married in two days, and boy, I'll tell ya...

That tiny, crazy woman has reached a whole new level.....

Shay's recovery is going well. She's had pain, but mom and Luke have helped her stay on top of her medicine. She's also been doing some exercises the surgeon told her to do, and that's been helping her too.

All the ladies went wedding dress shopping a few days ago, and they've taken care of the girly, boring stuff.

Us manly men get to use power tools, and get bossed around by mom.

"Dude, someone needs to get that hammer away from Taylor," Mason mutters as he helps me build the arch that they're going to be married under.

I look over and snort, as Taylor whacks himself on his thumb.

"How can a person be so bad at this stuff?" He laughs as he continues to build.

"His dad was rich and always hired it done. No one ever taught him...he's actually not as bad as we make it seem like. He's just stressed about getting it done in time."

Mason nods, and we continue working our poor little hands off.

"Damn. For October, it sure is hot today," I say as I rip my shirt off, and my beautiful body starts glistening in the sun.

"Dude, I don't wanna see ya naked."

I stick out my bottom lip. "BFF, I'm pretty."

Mason laughs as he chucks a nail at me.

I cackle as I dodge it, and start to throw it back at Mason.

"Mason Andrew West!" We hear mom screeching as she walks over.

"Uh oh. Tell her you did it first," Mason hisses, trying not to smirk.


Mom comes over and crosses her arms. "Tell me I DID NOT see you throwing nails."

Mason bites his lip to keep from smiling. "Well, ma'am, it was more like a gentle toss."

"Uh huh. Liam, I need you guys to paint this as soon as it's done, so it'll be dry by tomorrow morning."

I give mom my most defiant look.

"Mother, I'm a lot of things, but I'm not Bob Vila, the super duper home improvement man.... I also can't perform under pressure."

Mason laughs before he can stop himself, and covers his mouth quickly. Mom is stressed, and now is NOT the time to see how far we can push her.

"That was disgusting," she says, completely unamused.

Although I want to smile, I'm able to keep my face totally straight. "Mother, you do realize that I'm a firefighter, and not a carpenter, right? If this damn thing stays up through the whole ceremony, it'll be a miracle. If you rush the process, a gentle wind may ruin the whole wedding."

Mom nods and takes a big breath. "I'm hearing talking, but you're not saying the right words."

I nod and smack my lips. "Done and painted...Got it!"

She nods and turns back to Mason, pointing her finger. "No more throwing nails. I don't have time to stop and pull a nail out of someone's body. You may be an adult, but if you act like a child, I'll treat you like one. Don't do it again."

"Yes ma'am," he says, trying his best not to laugh. Mom is unamused at how NOT scared he is, and glares at him before she walks away.

Once she's out of ear shot, Mason cackles. "Only Eleanor Preston could make a threat like that and get away with it. I swear I've never met anyone like her."

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