~53~ The Lie

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Gabby's POV

I'm at lunch, sitting with Zoe. I happen to look over, and some bimbo with a padded bra is talking to Nolan.

Nuh Uh. I may not be able to date him, but this girl is NOT good enough for him.

"Let's go sit by Nolan and Ethan," I say as I pick up my lunch.

"Why?" Zoe asks.

"Just feel like it"

Zoe silently stands up and follows me over there.

Nolan is the most popular boy in the 8th grade. His table is always so big, they have to smoosh two tables together to get everyone to fit. For some reason, everyone wants to be friends with him.

Well, I know exactly the reason. He's not only the hottest boy in school, he's also the nicest. He never tells people they can't sit with him.

I grab two chairs and we sit next to Nolan, shoving in so tight that Nolan has to scoot over to make room for us.

"Hey," he smirks, scooting his food over so we can set ours down.

I start eating and watch as Mindy puts the moves on Nolan.

"So my dad said I could have a group of people over tonight. It will just be a pool party," she says, batting her eyes as she takes a bite of her fry.

"It's only March," I say, disgusted. Granted, we have had a super warm March, but still. I can't believe their pool is already opened.

She looks at me, as if surprised that someone so beneath her dares to speak to her.

"We would only use the hot tub," she says, looking back to Nolan.

"Anyways, we would swim for a bit and then go in and have pizza and hang out. What do you say?"

"How do you swim in a hot tub?" I ask, interrupting again.

She's really starting to get mad.


Nolan looks at me, and then turns back to Mindy.

"I have to check with my parents but I don't think there will be a problem. I'll go to my mom's office after lunch and ask her."

"Aren't you grounded?" I ask him.

He looks at me again, and I can tell I'm annoying him.

"No Gabby, I'm not."

"I thought you got in trouble for breaking curfew last week."

"That was last week. I'm not grounded anymore."

"Your mom was pretty mad. No way she will let you go to an unsupervised party."

"My mom and dad will be there. Who is she?" Mindy asks with major attitude.

"My cousin. I'll check with my mom and let you know 6th period," he smiles, taking another bite of his pizza.

He doesn't look my way again.

That afternoon I go over to Ellie's. She seriously has the best junk food.

As I'm sitting there eating some cake with Taylor, Nolan comes in the kitchen. He doesn't even look at me as he gets in the fridge for a drink.

"What time do you need to be there, buddy?" Taylor asks.


"K. And I need to pick you up by 8?"

Nolan looks at Taylor and sighs. "Dad, come on. I've apologized 50 times for missing curfew. I'm sorry. Can I please stay later than 8?"

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