~109~ Pool Party Woes

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Liam's POV

"Charlie, you want some juice?" I ask my beautiful, crazy, full-of-life three year old.

She grins at me and nods. "Share?"

"You would share your juice with your daddy?!?"

She nods as she pulls on the bottom of my shirt, so I'll bend down to her level.

"I share with you."

I grin as I kiss her perfect cheek. "I love you, Charlie. Thanks for sharing with me."

She kisses my forehead. "Lizzy too?"

"You think Lizzy needs some juice?"

She nods so seriously, I laugh. Those two are basically attached to the hip. I thought Emma and Luke were close, but I think these two have them beat. It's cool.

I get two sippy cups down, and pour juice in them. Then I hand her one.

She hands it back. "Here daddy"

"You can have the first sip, Charlotte."

"No," she says, shaking her head, making her brown hair fall in her face.

I grin as I bend back down and take a sip of the apple juice.

"So yummy; Thank you. You drink it now."

She smirks a toothy smile at me as she drinks her drink, making my heart burst. I truly didn't think she would be here with us now, and not a single day goes by that I take it for granted.

A sudden crash ruins our juice moment, and I rush into the dining room to see what happened.

"Elizabeth Faye, what did you do?" I ask, staring in horror at the pile of good China shattered on the floor.

She looks down and her bottom lip starts quivering. "I sorry. I didn't mean to."

I walk over and grab her little hands in mine. "Are you hurt?"

She shakes her head, tears wetting her cheeks.

"What happened?"

"I wanted to help"

"Help with what?"

"Set table."

"Lizzie, it's not dinnertime, and we don't use the nice plates. Mommy is really going to be upset when she sees this. She loves those dishes."

That's when Lizzie's cries turn to wails.

"I don't wanna 'pankin'," she sobs.

Charlie hears her poor sister, and rushes in. She puts herself in front of me and Lizzie, and shakes her little finger at me with a stern look.

"No no, daddy!"

I raise my eyebrows and point to myself. "Why am I in trouble?"

"You made her cry!"

"Charlotte, it's time you go in the other room. Right now. I need to talk to Elizabeth."

She shakes her head and grabs Lizzie's hand, still protecting her.

These kids make this whole thing tough. Who wants to punish such cuteness?

"Lizzie, from now on, I expect you to ask before you touch this cabinet again. Do you hear me young lady?"

She sniffs and looks at her feet, nodding slightly.

"Ok. You're in timeout for five minutes. Go put your nose in the corner while I clean this mess up. Right now."

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