~182~ Date Night

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Josie's POV

I'm laying out by the pool with Savannah and Izzy, enjoying myself. We've been here for several days now, and this is my favorite spot to be. Most of the guys have been doing all of the active stuff, and the girls have had fun with all of the shows.

I don't care about any of that stuff. Give me the sun and a chair, and I could easily spend my entire vacation right here.

I've got on my sunglasses and my eyes are closed, when I hear a couple of girls squealing.

"Ok, look at those two over there! I'm taking the one with hardly any tattoos—That man is fine."

I open my eyes to look, and I see that Dylan and Colton just walked into the pool area.

"I'm down with that—The other one is just as hot, and I'm a sucker for ink. How do my boobs look?"

The other girl chuckles as she pushes her friend's boobs together and nods. "He'll be putty—You take your pill today?"

"I'm not stupid!"

I roll my eyes as they get up and walk over towards the guys.

Savannah sighs loudly. "I think I got an STD just listening to those morons."

I smirk as I watch Dylan smile at the girl, and sit down next to her at the edge of the pool.

Izzy puts more sunblock on herself and looks at Savannah.

"Ok, Savvy—Girl talk. Have you ever.....?"

"No," she says as she takes some of the sunblock and puts some on too.

"How's come?"

"I don't know."

"Can I ask you something?"

Savannah looks at her and raises her eyebrows.

"I don't hear you talk about guys much—Are you even into guys?"

"Izzy!" I gasp in horror. Who seriously asks that? Why the hell does it even matter who she likes?

"I don't mean anything bad by it—I just want you to know that we support you."

"So because I'm a virgin, that means I'm not interested in guys?" She asks, completely taken aback.

"No, that's not what I meant. You just don't seem interested."

"I'm not," she says as she lays back down on the chair.

I look at Savvy, and then glare at Izzy.

"You're not?" Izzy presses.

"I'm not into girls either, Izzy. I just don't care about any of it. I don't want to ever date—I just wanna be on my own."

"But why?"

"Izzy, leave her alone," I say with an attitude. Savvy and I aren't crazy close, but nobody should feel pressured to answer personal questions like that.

"I just don't see why you want to be alone..."

"Because I don't need someone else to make me happy."

"So that's it?"


"Well, I can't wait to get married and get outta here."

"Where ya gonna go?" I ask, trying to get the conversation off of Savannah.

"Anywhere but here—I'm gonna marry a rich guy and live my best life. I refuse to be my mom."

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