~181~ Ocean Air Makin' You Salty

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Zoe's POV

When I wake up the next morning, I'm feeling sad. My butt is so sore, that today's gonna be miserable.

Raya is still sleeping so I try and be quiet, but the moment I sit up, I groan.

"What's wrong?" She asks, waking up immediately.

"My butt hurts," I say as I get out of bed and go into the bathroom. When I get out and into the tiny living area, dad is sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

"Morning Zo Zo."

I just ignore him as I get a water. I don't know why, but I'm mad at him. I mean—I know I was wrong last night, but for some reason I'm mad.

"Morning dad.....How did you sleep, Zoe?......I slept fine....Hey! So glad to hear that—I slept ok too, but your mom was snoring like a sailor, which is fitting considering we're on a ship......" dad says, trying to be funny as he has a fake conversation with himself.

I just look at him, and don't wanna deal with any of this.

Why am I so mad?

"We need to finish our discussion," he says as he pats the couch.

"No thanks, I wanna take a shower."

Dad blinks several times, and then sets his cup on the table.

"Ok, go back in that room and come out again."

"For what?"

"Because this ocean air is makin' you salty, and I'm 'bout to sweeten you up REAL quick. Go back in and come back out, right now."

I sigh loudly as I do what I'm told.

When I come out, dad has his coffee again.

"Morning Zo Zo," he says, literally acting like he did just a minute ago when I came out the first time.

"Morning," I grumble.

"Have a seat, girly."

I do what I'm told, and sit down carefully. Man my butt hurts

"You feeling ok?" He asks.


"You don't look like you're in the mood to talk. Should we wait for a bit?"


Raya comes out of the bedroom, and Dad looks at her. "Morning kid."

"Morning," she grins as she puts her tennis shoes on.

"Where ya going?"

"Up top to run for a bit."

Dad finishes his coffee and sets his cup down. "Give me a few minutes, and I'll go with ya—You're not going by yourself."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't trust people, and there's a lot of people on this damn boat."

He looks at me and rolls his eyes. "Let me have it, Zo," he grins.

I say nothing—He cusses all the time; You'd think by now he'd clean up his language.

He gives me a funny look, and then looks at his phone. "Why don't you come with us, Zoe?"

"No thanks."

"Ok," he says as he stands up. "Go take a shower, and I'll be back in a bit and we'll talk, ok? You don't seem like yourself."

He goes and puts on shoes, and they leave quickly.

I sit there for a minute, when Ethan gets up and sits next to me. "You ok?"

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