~191~ Andy-Man

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Mason's POV

I take my delinquent six year old into my room and shut the door.

How in the heck do I handle this?

I pick him up and set him on my desk, putting each of my hands on either side of him and leaning in close.

"What were you thinking, Andrew?"

The tone of my voice, mixed with the look on my face, instantly brings him to tears as he puts his head on my shoulder.

"M'sorry!" He mumbles as he sobs a sob that would melt any dad's heart, and thaw the anger completely.

I sigh as I sit in my chair and pull him on my lap, holding my sobbing boy.

"I just wanted to see papa—He has the coolest job, and I wanted my friends to see him."

"Little Dude, you can't pull the fire alarm. What if someone else would've needed him, and he was too busy coming to the school? Someone could've been really hurt."

"I didn't know that," he says as his body heaves, trying to calm down his crying.

I rub his back and wait, feeling sick. I absolutely detest disciplining him. If he were more ornery, it would be different, I think—But he NEVER does things maliciously, so it makes it so hard.

"Well you know for next time, huh? Never again are you allowed to pull the fire alarm, unless you see an actual fire. Ok?"

"K," he sniffs as he kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry you're so sad."

"Why do you think I'm sad?"

"Cause you have to spank me, and I know it makes you sad."

Damn me and my melting heart. I need a deep freeze, right this second—Or my wife to take over.....

"You're right, Little Dude. I do have to spank you, and it does make me sad."

He nods as he wipes more of his tears away.

"At school?" He asks me sadly.

"Uh....." I say as I reach over and grab my phone that's hanging on the wall.

I call Lance, and wait for him to answer.


"Hey, it's Mason. I need to discipline Drew. Can I do that in my classroom?"

"Ummm, in front of your class?" He asks.

"It's my free period, Lance," I say with a disgusted attitude. Does he seriously think I would do that in front of my students?!?

"Oh that's right. Yeah, go ahead. The doors are heavy, incase there were to be another intruder. They're almost soundproof when shut. Just lock the door, huh?"

"Sure," I say as I hang up the phone and set Drew on the desk, standing up and locking the door.

Spanking my kid at school—Definitely a first, and hopefully the last....Will Ellie give me hell for this?

I sit back down and pick him up, putting him on my lap.

"Do I need to tell you why I'm doing this?"

He shakes his head so sadly, I want to tell him I changed my mind.

I kiss his head and lay his tummy over my lap, rolling my chair further away from my desk and bracing my feet to keep the chair in place.

Once I have him tight against my body, I start in, slapping his little bottom sharply.

He immediately clenches and jerks, surprised by the force I'm using.

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