~78~ He's Not My Comfort

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Ellie's POV

As I'm trying to wake up, I can't decide where I am. I'm not uncomfortable, but this definitely isn't my bed.

"She looks like she's finally waking up. How're you gonna get her to agree to do this?"

I think that's Jake. Why the heck is Jake watching me sleep?

"I don't give a shit if she agrees or not...She's doing it," Taylor says in a weird tone.

His tone is so strange and hard, it makes me open my eyes. Once I do, I see that I'm on the couch in the living room, with my head in Taylor's lap.

I start to wonder how I got here, and what's going on, when it all comes flooding back.


Taylor must feel me tense up, because he immediately wraps his strong arms around me and and kisses my cheek. "You're safe, Ellie Jane," he whispers.

I look around the room, and I see the majority of the family here....Or should I say, the adults and young adults are all here. The teens and kids are not. The only adults I don't see are Sarah and Nora.

Once I sit up, and Taylor lets me go, I look at him. "How did I get here?"

"I carried you to the car and drove you home."

Duh. My brain still isn't working right.

"Ok. I've filled everyone in on what's going on. I'm sorry I didn't wait to do it until you woke up...Now that we know he's in town, there just isn't time. There were a lot of details to figure out and I needed help."

I stare at him. What details? I don't understand why this meeting is so formal.

"Ellie, Alex came to me almost a week ago. Together we made the decision that we would work night and day to keep you safe, but not involve the rest of the family. Some of us still have trauma from that night, and we were trying to protect all of you. People are pissed at us, but we will deal with that later."

I continue to stare at him. The back of my mind wants to be mad and give them hell....The forefront is numb, though.

"We thought the detectives on the case had a solid hold on it. Last we were told, they suspected him in Missouri. How he traveled this fast, and had access to so much so soon, is unnerving to us. So, we are taking no more stupid chances. You aren't staying here, Ellie."

It's completely quiet in this house. No one is saying a word and everyone is looking at me.


Taylor nods. "He can't fly. They would catch him the moment he steps foot in security. It's your safest option of getting away fast. Alex has been working with the airlines, and they're going to change your name on the tickets, so Ben can't track you."

So much to process, and unfortunately my brain is comprehending none of it.

"I don't understand," I finally say.

Taylor nods. "I'm not going with you. The moment I leave too would be a red flag for him. He HAS to think you're still in the area, so we can catch him."

"So I have to go by myself?" I ask, hysteria bubbling to the surface.

"Of course not," he says, making his voice softer and grabbing my hands, kissing my cheek.

"Then who?"

Taylor sighs. "Wes"


Taylor nods, and I avoid looking at Wes, sitting in the corner chair by the window.

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