~11~ You Need Help

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Ellie's POV

As the horses start running, Alex leans over to me. "Take my keys and get to the car."


"I mean it, Ellie. Now."


"I'm gonna' beat your ass," he mutters, getting anxious. These horses are running fast.

"You can try," I snap as we continue to watch Lexington trail behind.

"Damn he's not going to win," Mason says, half out of his seat in stress.

I look at Alex, and he isn't even watching the race. He's watching the men in suits, and all the other people in the stands. He's trying to watch everything all at once.

I'm watching the boys. Colton can't even watch; his head is down.

Dylan is like Mason, almost out of his seat.

"Shit," Mason hisses, as I look back up. Lexington is falling even further behind.

"Please leave, Ellie. Taylor is going to kick my ass," Alex begs, getting beyond stressed.

I just ignore him. I'm not leaving...he's going to have to make me.

Suddenly Alex gasps. I look up, and somehow, Lexington takes the lead and has crossed the finish line, less than a second before Marley.

I look over, and Dylan is shaking Colton violently, and Colton is fist pumping like a fool. Then they high five, and their smiles are huge. The men in suits look up at the boys, and nod approvingly at them.

"Man, that could have been really, really, bad," Alex sighs, slumping back in his chair.

"Now what" Mason asks.

"Now we congratulate them," Alex says, standing up and following Dylan and Colton out of the arena.

They go to the desk where Nash is, and Nash is grinning like a fool.

"Kid, you have a serious gift. I havta' admit, I was doubting you. You have a job here for as long as you want it."

Mason speaks from behind the boys. "Sorry, this is his last day."

Dylan and Colton's backs go ramrod straight. They don't even turn around.

Nash is confused when he sees us. "I'm sorry?"

Alex speaks then. "No, I'm sorry," he says as he reaches for his badge. Then he quickly remembers he doesn't have it. "El, give me my damn badge," he says quietly.

I hand it to him, and he shows the guy.

"These two are 17. From where I'm standing, you're running an illegal business."

Nash looks hard at the boys. "Detective......Clark," he says, squinting to read the badge. "This place has been in my family for three generations. I assure you, if I would have known that they were only 17, I would have shown them the door. Their ID's said 22."

Alex nods. "They're on your blacklist from here on out. Even after they turn 21, if they come in here and you do not kick them out, I will shut this place down. You are officially on my list, and I will find a reason to shut you down for good if and when I find out they come back.. Try me if you want. It's your family's business on the line, though."

Nash clears his throat and simply nods.

"Here's their winnings," he says, handing Alex an envelope. A VERY thick envelope.

Alex silently takes it, and hands it to me to put in my purse. Oh great...I always lose my purse and the money inside it. I'm literally the worst person to have this. Mason knows immediately, and silently takes it out of my hand and winks at me.

Inferno Part 3Where stories live. Discover now