~34~ Uncomfortable

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Gabby's POV

Tomorrow Trace and Emma are getting married. Today I get to spend my ENTIRE DAY helping to get them set up. Even though Emma wanted a small wedding, Trace has several aunts with big families, and they are obnoxious. Thankfully they have been staying with Wes and Megan, but today I get the pleasure of dealing with them.

As we're driving over to where the reception is, Alex looks at me from the review mirror.

"Gabby, are you listening?"

"To what?"


I just stare at him. This guy is weird.

"I've been lenient with you these last two months, but your attitude is getting out of control. I'm telling you this once. THIS IS YOUR WARNING. If you do ANYTHING to put a damper on these next two days I will spank you. You have no idea how much Emma and Trace mean to me, and I WILL NOT allow my daughter to ruin their day. I will not hesitate to spank you. This is the only warning you're getting."

I say nothing as I look out the window. I love how he thinks he can continue to talk to me like this. He thinks he's in charge, but he hasn't spanked me since I ran away. I have no doubt this guy is all talk.

"Did you hear me?"

"I ain't deaf, Alex."

"Good. I hope you heed my warning, or sitting all day on a sore bottom is going to be miserable. Just ask Colton. He's had to many times."

I just roll my eyes.

We get to the place, and Ellie is bossing people around like a mad-woman.

"Luke, I promise if you break one more vase, imma' kick your butt. Quit being so dang clumsy."

"No need to be nasty, mother. It was an accident," Luke argues.

"Well my foot up your ass will NOT be an accident."

Mason chuckles and shakes his head.

"What are you laughing at, mister? I saw how you almost dropped that crystal bowl a few minutes ago. Once you married my daughter, you became my son. I'll kick your ass too if you don't watch it."

Mason chokes on his laughter, and forces himself to have a straight face. Ellie is literally the only one who can say these kinds of things to people. There's just something about her.

"Yes ma'am," he snorts as he puts Luke in a headlock and the two pick up the glass vases more carefully this time.

"You're here!" She smiles as she runs up and gives Alex and Lilah a kiss.

"Yeah, but now I'm thinking of leaving. You're being a pill, El," Alex says.

She glares at him. "Wanna' keep trying to be funny or ya wanna' help out your best friend?"

"I don't know. Are you gunna' kick me in the ass if I wanna' keep trying to be funny?"

"Yes" she glares.

"Then I best get to helping. Where you want me?"

"With Wes and Taylor. They're carrying all the tables in here."

"Fantastic. I get the heavy work," he groans as he kisses her head and goes to where he was told.

"Thought he said no attitudes today," I grumble to Lilah.

For some reason she found that funny, and laughs as she squeezes my hand.

"Where you want us?" She asks Ellie.

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