~41~ Science Fair

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Zoe's POV

Today is the day of the science fair. I'm anxious and excited. I've worked so hard on my project, and I just know I'm going to win. I've even dusted the spot where my trophy is going to go.

Dad helps me load my project and get to the school early to set it up.

"This looks awesome, girly. I don't understand a lick of it, but it looks awesome. I'm so proud of you," he smiles.

"I hope it's good enough to win," I say, taking a deep breath.

Dad shrugs. "Winning isn't everything. You worked hard on this and I'm proud of you, whether you bring home the trophy or not. I'll say, that if I was a judge, I'd vote for you," he smirks.

"Thanks dad"

My nemesis Maxwell is setting up his project right next to me. I watch him for a minute, and get a pit in my stomach. It really is good. He made a solar system move around, and a moon light up, using potatoes...Like, food..... It's cool.

Dad sees me looking and he squeezes my hand. "I coulda' even done that. The potato craze for science stuff was done when I was a kid. That spud is old news."

I look at him and roll my eyes. He knows how cool it is.

As the fair is going on, everybody in the family comes by. I love that. Who really wants to waste their Saturday on a science fair? But they are...All of them. They're all here for me.

Taylor comes up and looks through my packet of info. "Man Zoe, this is seriously fancy. Who knew you had such a smart noggin'," he smirks.

I laugh.

Ellie, Nolan, and Ethan come up behind him, and they look too.

"Don't be nervous, sweetheart. Yours is amazing. You worked so hard," Ellie says gently.

Nolan smirks. "Did you see that kid over there? His ice cream is melting instead of freezing. Someone didn't read the directions right," he cackles.

"Knock it off. Don't take pleasure in other people's misfortunes," Ellie says sternly.

Nolan immediately quits laughing. "That was deep, mom."

Ellie laughs. "I'm just saying, don't be a putz."

"A what?"

Taylor cackles. "A bonehead. Quit being a bonehead."

Nolan salutes him and smirks at me as they go to the next booth.

As the day goes on, I notice a lot of people lingering at Maxwell's booth, and just quickly glance at mine. Maybe mine is too boring. It's a project about DNA and analysis, it's not flashy like his. Or even exciting like melting ice cream boy... what if I don't win?

By the end of the day, I'm getting panicked. There's no way I'm going to win, Maxwell is obviously going to. The judges are going to be making their rounds soon.

Before I realize what I'm doing, I go over to his booth. He is over with his parents looking at something. I quickly pull the wires out of the potato, bringing the solar system to a stop and shutting off the moon. The judges will be at his booth next. I quickly leave and go to the bathroom.

When I get back, Maxwell is devastated. "I don't understand how it came out. Zoe, do you have any idea what happened?"

Dad is standing next to my booth, watching; Maxwell is super upset.

"I'm sorry, I don't. It was working before I went to the bathroom."

Maxwell wipes a tear that falls down his cheek. "It's been working all day, and right before the judges come, it quits. I've spent hours on this," he says, trying his hardest not to cry.

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