~99~ You Would Be A 10

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Josie's POV

As soon as Aiden climbs up to my window, I let him in and my stomach knots up. I can't believe such a hot guy would want me.

He smiles as he gets inside, bringing me to him roughly and kissing me hard.

"Hey Shorty," he says in a deep, sultry voice.

"Hey yourself," I say as I push my hips into him, feeling him harden against me. We've already had sex, and I just can't get enough of him.

He's my whole world

"I was beginning to think you were ghosting me," he says as he pulls away, his eyes hardening a touch.

"I told you I wasn't...My brother is just insane."

He nods and wipes his mouth. "That's good. I won't have no one disrespecting me like that. You wanna end it, you tell me to my face."

"I don't want to end it, Aiden."

His eyes get soft as butter again as he pulls me back into him.

"Want one, Shorty?" He asks as he gets in his pocket and pulls out a cigarette.

I grin and nod, taking it. It doesn't make me cough anymore. I can't say I like it, but I don't hate it either.

I open my window, and we sit next to it, smoking and holding hands.

"You know, I think you'd look better if you straightened your hair," he says as he blows a puff of smoke out of his nose.

My stomach sinks. My hair's ugly. I always knew it was.

I nod. "I sometimes straighten it, it's just so curly that it takes forever."

He shrugs. "Then wake up earlier. You're a damn knockout, beautiful...But straight hair would definitely make you a 10."

I'm going to have to wake up so early..... "Ok," I smile as I kiss him.

Once we finish our cigarettes, we throw them out the window and I leave the window open for a bit, airing out the room.

"If your lame ass brother comes home, where's a good place for me to hide?"

I look around.

"Closet, I guess. He shouldn't come home, though. He gets to hang out with Sasha's brother all day, so that should keep him occupied.

He flops on my bed, and brings me into him. "Wanna get out of here?" He asks as I nuzzle into him and he rubs my back.

"No. If I'm not in my room, I'll be grounded all over again. At least this way you could hide if he does come home."

"One of these days, you'll stop being such a damn little b****," he says as he continues to caress my back.

Once he grazes my sides, he chuckles. "Damn, baby. You're gettin' love handles," he says as he sits up and lifts my shirt up to look.


"Yeah. I'm seeing rolls. It's ok, I still think you're hot as hell."

I have rolls?!? I dance every day, and run, and watch what I eat. I'm seriously getting fat? I'm going to have to diet now. Mom always said I needed to watch my weight. Mason has been lying to me all of these years.

"I didn't know," I say, fighting tears.

He grabs my face and shushes me... "Jos, hey. Nah Nah it's not like that. I love a chubby girl. Can't have you looking so good, that other guys want ya. It was a compliment."

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