~184~ Get Along

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Ellie's POV

We've been home for a couple of days, and believe it or not, we're having another party tonight.

It's Sarah's birthday, so we're just having a cookout.

We're all sitting outside, eating, since it's a beautiful evening. Taylor grilled pork chops, so we're having pork chop sandwiches and all sorts of sides.

"Liam, I was reaching for that," Mason says as Liam swipes the spoon for the macaroni.

"Snooze ya lose, sucker!"

Mason smirks and throws a green bean at Liam's face.

"Did you just bean me?!?"

"You just stole the macaroni!"

"Why you so huffy, BFF? I'll give it right back," he says as he scoops a heaping pile of macaroni onto his plate.

Mason rolls his eyes as he grabs the potato salad, and takes the last of it out of the container. I have another full one in my hand, but Liam starts in before I can swap them out.

"No fair! Everyone knows that potato salad is my favorite! Why ya gotta hate? Come on, share the spud."

"No way—I barely got any," Mason says as he starts to shield his plate from Liam's hands.

"You have an entire pile of deliciousness on your plate—Give me some!"

"Some of this?" Mason asks innocently as he dramatically puts his tongue all over the entire mound of potato salad.

Taylor laughs, trying not to spill his plate as he looks at me and rolls his eyes.

Liam sets his plate on the table where all of the food is, and dramatically sighs. "You think a little spit is gonna stop me from potatoes? I already saw your ass a few days ago—I ain't afraid to swap spit."

"Ok you two, that's enough," I say as I take the empty container off the table, and replace it with the new one.

"Mother!!!!" Liam squeals as he starts dancing like a doofus.

"Come to daddy, beautiful," he says as he takes a HUGE heaping pile.

"Enjoy your spit," he smirks at Mason smugly as he moves to the condiment section.

Mason rolls his eyes as he takes the ketchup and goes to squirt it on his sandwich. He accidentally squirts it too hard, and it goes all over Liam's entire plate of food.

Liam stares at his plate in horror for a minute, before his glare fixes on poor Mason.

"Oops," Mason says as he hides his laugh with a cough.

"Oops? OOPS? My entire plate is now a crime scene!!!! Dad, a murder just happened, and my pig and spuds are bleeding! Arrest the criminal!"

Alex looks at the plate and rolls his eyes. "Act your age," he says as he kisses Liam on the head.

"Act your age?!? I didn't realize there was a certain age when one is not allowed to be upset that his meal is ruined—Death by ketchup!"

Mason laughs as he gets another plate and fills it. When he hands it off, Liam takes it dramatically. "You and I are officially in a fight, BFF. I'll be sitting at this picnic table, and you are sitting WAAAAY over there. Enjoy your time without me to think about what you just did."

He walks over and plops himself down, and Mason laughs again. "What a wiener!"

"HEY! MOOOOOM!" Liam wails.

"Enough you two, you're driving me crazy!" I say as I swap out the macaroni too.


After dinner is over and cleaned up, the men set up different lawn games and everyone goes and does what they want.

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